Ward Gosse
1. What experiences (professional and/or personal) do you have that you feel support you as a great candidate for municipal council?
I feel that my back-ground in Real Estate,Finance and Investments give me a sound base to be able to help make informed decisions for the Residents of Torbay.Also, with a lifetime of playing Hockey and Fast Pitch Softball, it has given me the ability to be a team player…and it is a team that helps run our Town, not one individual.
2. What’s one thing you would like residents to know about you?
That I am running for council with no preconceived notions of how things are done in council chambers.I will make decisions based on the facts and that I will take information given to me…weigh the pros and cons, then make my decision based on what’s best for The Residents of Torbay.
3. What made you want to run for council?
Wanting to be involved in how the Town is run and be a new voice in the development of our Community. My Children have grown up here and I take great pride in Torbay….I feel that with my work and life experience that I have something to give back.
4. Why is it important for you to participate in your community this way?
It is important because I feel by putting myself forth for Council, that I can be part of change for Torbay. A change is good for anything in life! New perspective….new vision….different eyes on things….this is all good and healthy for a person, a community and a council!
5. If elected, what do you hope to achieve as a councillor?
If elected, I want to be a voice or reason. I want the residents of Torbay to know that I am hard working on their behalf and that I will make decisions based on what is best for our Community not what is best for individuals. We are elected to council to help a community thrive for all and make decisions based on what is best for the majority.
6. Can you tell me one specific issue currently facing Torbay, and how you would begin to address it should you be elected?
To me,the largest issue is safe drinking water. I realize that not everyone in Torbay is on Town water, but with a Town of our stature, I feel we have to work tirelessly until we put this matter to rest. In today’s society access to safe drinking water should be paramount.
7. What, do you think, are the major benefits of having a municipal democracy?
A Town should listen to its residents! Having feedback from residents should be a gauge of what kind of job that council is doing. There are tough decisions going to have to be made….no doubt! But having input from residents should help in the decision making. People are the pulse of a community!
8. In your opinion, how important is diversity on a council?
Diversity in council and in society is paramount. Every person should be heard regardless of their background, race, religion….whatever the case! We need to be a society and council of Inclusion. Listening to every person’s views and perspectives adds to the ability to make sound decisions on behalf of our residents!
9. Why should residents of Torbay vote you into their council?
Why Residents Should Vote for Ward Gosse
For me, the job of municipal councilor, is to build a bridge of communication.It’s being committed to improving upon what has proven to be successful for our community and confident enough to help change the direction when needed. The goal is to create a council that listens to residents’ concerns and strives to maintain a balance of empathy, integrity, and fiscal responsibility.
10. If elected, what will you enjoy most about being a councillor?
If elected, I will enjoy interacting and listening to residents’ concerns and bringing them to the council chambers to be heard. I look forward to that opportunity to help make the best decisions for our Beautiful Town of Torbay!!