Trina Appleby
1. What experiences (professional and/or personal) do you have that you feel support you as a great candidate for municipal council?
I am the Deputy Mayor of Torbay, Vice President of Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador (MNL) and also a board member with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM). I bring professional, entrepreneurial and volunteer experience working with many levels of municipal leadership to the council table. I am a proud parent with a strong background in strategic planning and economic development. I have worked with local and international businesses, the community sector, and all three levels of government.
Volunteer experience includes serving as a Board Director with the Cabot CBDC, Jack Byrne Regional Sports and Entertainment Centre Chair and Vice Chair, and a School Council member with Juniper Ridge Intermediate. I have served as the Avalon Director at MNL, a member of the NOIA Board of Directors, Burin Peninsula Council for the Rural Secretariat, A Time in Torbay Committee, Chair of the North East United Soccer Club and Breakfast and Hot Dog Programs at Holy Trinity Elementary.
2. What’s one thing you would like residents to know about you?
The one thing I would like you to know about me is that I love working with and for the residents of Torbay. I am excited to be part of our community and raise my children here. I am committed to our town, and to you – my neighbours. I listen, work hard, and follow-up. I am a strong advocate, and I am honest, accountable, ethical, and transparent. I will bring your voice to the council table and work with and for you.
3. What made you want to run for council?
Being a part of the community, taking a leadership role, and giving back to my community is a part of who I am. I grew up with a great sense of community and pride in a family that was very involved in municipal politics and I want my children to have the same great love and pride in their community that I do. I want to be involved, and do my part to help build a better community for everyone.
4. Why is it important for you to participate in your community this way?
Torbay is my home. I want to be a part of a team that is building a strong community and legacy for our children and grandchildren. I get excited about building a community that we are all proud of and about making a difference for the people of all ages in our town. I offer a lot as a Councillor, and I want to serve my community as best as I can.
5. If elected, what do you hope to achieve as a councillor?
I will continue to advocate and work for residents. I will support the development of sustainable community infrastructure, economic development, and explore ways to receive the best return on our tax dollars and decrease the tax burden on residents.
There are many things that need to be worked on such as access to safe drinking water; pedestrian safety, traffic calming and sidewalks; waste water treatment; upgrades to roads and community programs and services for all ages, especially seniors. Affordable living is important and I believe that council needs to prioritize what is important to residents and not raise taxes.
6. Can you tell me one specific issue currently facing Torbay, and how you would begin to address it should you be elected?
Safe access to drinking water is a necessity. It is a basic need, and something everyone in our town should have as a given. I will continue to work with my colleagues as we work to find solutions for residents.
7. What, do you think, are the major benefits of having a municipal democracy?
A municipal democracy allows members of the community to put themselves forward to offer their time, skills and enthusiasm to make a better community for everyone. It allows for new ideas, change, transparency and accountability. I love that you have to earn the vote of the people every four years, and that everyone in our community gets a say – because every voice matters.
8. In your opinion, how important is diversity on a council?
Diversity is critical. We need the experience and knowledge of people from across our community to make better decisions. All residents should be heard, included and able to participate in our community in a safe and meaningful way.
9. Why should residents of Torbay vote you into their council?
I love our town. I always give it my all to make sure Torbay is the best community possible for each and every one of us. I will listen. I will take action. I will work with you to resolve concerns. I know the power of commitment, and of teamwork. I know the importance of honesty and integrity. I have a strong voice and useful skills and I want to give back to the place I call home.
10. If elected, what will you enjoy most about being a councillor?
I will enjoy talking with the people in our community, and working on their behalf to make our great town even better. I will take great pride in representing Torbay, and great satisfaction in the fact that I am doing my part. I will enjoy my children seeing me serve my community.