Tony Pollard

1. What experiences (professional and/or personal) do you have that you feel support you as a great candidate for municipal council?

With over 11 years’ managerial experience within a municipality I am well versed on issues that affect day to day municipal operations. I am also a current sitting member of Torbay Council and am familiar with operations and issues already in process. In addition, I am a Member of the Asset Management technical working group of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, a Member of Finance Committee of Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador, a former Member of the Provincial Municipal Capital Asset Management Joint Technical Committee, a previous member of Holy Trinity Finance Committee and Executive of Torbay Minor Soccer. I am a Chartered Professional Accountant with a Bachelor of Commerce,

2. What’s one thing you would like residents to know about you? 

I have lived in Torbay for over 32 years and have raised my family here. I am a team player and never feel I have to say something for the sake of saying something and will provide support to any of my colleagues as necessary. In addition to my municipal experience I have many years’ experience in senior management in private business, not for Profits and Crown Corporations. I am also honored to have the respect and support of my work and professional colleagues.

3. What made you want to run for council?

There is a need to recognize that the Country, Province and Municipalities are presently having Sustainability challenges and we need to get ahead of those challenges to avoid severe tax increases or service reductions. Changes are coming in the way the province and country distribute funds and view operations and we need to ensure we stay front and center in those debates and discussions. I have worked on sustainability in my current position and can certainly bring that expertise to the benefit of Torbay.

4. Why is it important for you to participate in your community this way?

Municipalities are becoming more complex and face new challenges eg. Climate change, aging infrastructure, competing priorities and how we work together to resolve. Council needs to be a cohesive team that attracts and accepts varying points of view and works to optimal solutions without all political rhetoric that often is only self-serving. I am level headed and can listen and can often times provide a balanced perspective which comes from experience.

5. If elected, what do you hope to achieve as a councillor?

As a Councillor my goal continues to be to work towards sustainability with renewed focus on an Asset Management Framework to make Torbay a more efficient town. We still need to ensure we explore all options for proper access to a viable water supply and that waste effluent doesn’t flow freely any longer into our environment. I also want to continue to ensure residents understand the decisions of council, even if they may not agree and certainly maintain the trust of residents

6. Can you tell me one specific issue currently facing Torbay, and how you would begin to address it should you be elected?

One of my and many others frustration still lies with the lack of waste treatment and the length of time that it has remained an issue unaddressed. Torbay should have been able to resolve that issue many years ago if a long term plan and a focus on sustainability had been adopted. We still grapple with the reliable water supply issue, the nature of which solutions are beyond the financial capability of our tax base so we must rely on Provincial and Federal funding sources.   As I stated previously we need to start the long term Sustainability plan to identify the path forward. We have adopted an Asset Management framework and we need to concentrate more on the longer term benefits of such a plan.

7. What, do you think, are the major benefits of having a municipal democracy?

Municipalities are the political bodies closet to the citizens and as such offer the first opportunity to effect noticeable change. It provides a less intimidating option from which to launch a political career and can act as a stepping stone to next levels of government. Being closer to the electorate should provide the opportunity for any resident to more easily step up and serve. In short a municipal democracy should make it easier for citizens to express their concerns and effect change.

8. In your opinion, how important is diversity on a council?

Diversity on Council can provide many benefits. The more diverse, the more the potential points of view for consideration and consequently more informed decisions should provide more democratic solutions.

9. Why should residents of Torbay vote you into their council?

A lot of the answer to this questions lies within the answers to the other questions. Additionally, I am approachable, listen well, respect others, have plenty of experience, realize that I am one of seven potential viewpoints, need to understand the audience to whom I am communicating and need to articulate solutions that make sense.

10. If elected, what will you enjoy most about being a councillor?

I will enjoy the people, the comradery and anyone who knows me knows how much I love to move things forward. I hope to enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done and term or terms well served.




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