Rhonda Manning

1. What experiences (professional and/or personal) do you have that you feel support you as a great candidate for municipal council?

I worked with the Provincial Government for 37 years in various positions and departments, and feel the experience I gained regarding an understanding of government legislation, policies, and procedures would be a valuable asset to bring to the table on council. In addition, having volunteered on various committees/programs over the years shows that I am a team player and understand the value of working together to accomplish goals.

2. What’s one thing you would like residents to know about you? 

I will listen and be an advocate for all residents. It can be frustrating to address your concerns only to feel as though nothing is being done about them; I will work hard to get an answer or solution to the issues. I am a person who puts the needs of others first.

3. What made you want to run for council?

I would like to be part of the discussions and decision-making processes regarding issues within the town, and to help work towards making Torbay the best community it can be.

4. Why is it important for you to participate in your community this way?

I was born and raised in Torbay, and have lived here my entire life. My father Wilson Thorne was involved with council for many years, and was the first elected mayor of Torbay. I saw the pride that he had when a project was completed or a problem was solved, and I would love to get to experience that myself.  I love Torbay, and I am so proud to say it is my hometown. This is where I have raised my family, and now that I have the time, I would like to give back.

5. If elected, what do you hope to achieve as a councillor?

I hope to be part of a team that works towards planning and directing the community into the future. Proper development, accompanied with regional cooperation, is essential in any municipality, especially Torbay given its geography and population.

6. Can you tell me one specific issue currently facing Torbay, and how you would begin to address it should you be elected?

There are many issues facing Torbay that need to be addressed. I am coming into this election with no agenda other than to communicate with and listen to the residents, and be the voice that brings their issues to the table. If elected I look forward to meeting with members of the community to hear their thoughts on the biggest issues facing our town and how we can create a solution together.

7. What, do you think, are the major benefits of having a municipal democracy?

Municipal democracy is incredibly beneficial. Having residents of the community be part of the decision-making process ensures that the issues that actually affect the people who live here are addressed and solved.

8. In your opinion, how important is diversity on a council?

Diversity on council is so important, because having a diverse group of people brings many different views and opinions to the table that may not have been considered before. Everyone has something to offer, and all opinions are important in the decision making process.

9. Why should residents of Torbay vote you into their council?

Residents of Torbay should vote me into their council because first and foremost I am here for them. I will listen, join discussions, find solutions and be their voice to ensure that the decisions being made are in the best interest of the people that live in our beautiful town. I will be engaged in community events and support the awesome volunteer groups in our community.

10. If elected, what will you enjoy most about being a councillor?

If elected, I would love interacting with the residents of our community and advocating on their behalf. I would also love engaging in training to continue educating myself on municipal practices, and working with colleagues and staff to ensure progress is being made on various municipal issues.

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