Snow Clearing & Ice Control

Keeping roads accessible and safe in the winter season is one of the most important functions of the Department of Infrastructure & Public Works. It takes about 2000 tonnes of sand and salt mix to keep the roads ice free in winter. The Town has three sanders, four loaders with snow blades and wings, and two backhoe loaders that are all engaged in snow clearing and ice control operations. The Town is committed to providing safe roads for the travelling public and makes every effort to have the roads cleared in a timely manner.

Snow-Clearing Season

Residents are advised that the On-Street Parking Ban will be in effect from December 1-March 31 each year, both days inclusive, with possible extensions based on forecasted weather conditions. Parking is not permitted on streets between 1:00am and 7:00am for the duration of the parking ban. Reminder, even outside these dates, it is not permitted to park on Town streets during or immediately after a snow event.

On-Street Parking Ban

  • No vehicle is permitted to park on any street within the Town during the snow-clearing season between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.
  • No vehicle is permitted to park on any street within the Town during a period of excessive snowfall or snow storm and for 24 hours following.
  • No vehicle is permitted to park on any street within the Town during such other periods as declared by Council to enable snow and/or ice cleanup and removal.
  • Any vehicle which is parked contrary to these regulations may be ticketed and/or towed and impounded at the expense of the owner.

Depositing of Snow and Ice

  • During the snow-clearing season, no person shall deposit or cause to be deposited, any snow and/or ice from driveways, sidewalks, parking lots or any other owned/controlled property onto any street or road reservation within the Town.

For more information:

View the Town of Torbay Official Snow Clearing Regulations.

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