
The department is organized into five divisions all under the direction of the Fire Chief.

Administrative Division: The Administrative Division (Executive) consists of the Fire Chief, the Deputy Chief, Fire Prevention Officer, Training Officer and Public Relations Officer. The Operations Officer is also a non-voting member of the Executive.  The Administrative Division organizes plans and directs the activities of the Torbay Volunteer Fire Department and formulates rules, policies and procedures consistent with adopted standards and department goals and objectives.  The Fire Chief is responsible to the town council for the proper administration, expenditures of funds, efficient functioning in the prevention and control of fires, and all functions of the overall operation of the fire department.  The responsibilities of the Executive members are outlined in the Torbay Volunteer Fire Department Constitution.

 Operations Division: The Operations Division is commanded by the Deputy Chief and consists of apparatus, equipment and personnel assigned to it.  Three (3) Fire Captains command the fire suppression function.  Each Fire Captain is in charge of one (1) of the three (3) fire suppression platoons.  The platoons carry out numerous activities and functions, including fire suppression, rescue, public assistance, in house training, and general maintenance of fire department apparatus, equipment, and facilities.  The responsibilities of the Deputy Chief are outlined in the Torbay Volunteer Fire Department Constitution.

 Training and Support Division: The Training & Support Division is commanded by the Training Officer and consists of training and fire department safety functions.   The training function is directly monitored by the Training Officer, with training being carried out by individual Platoon Captains ensuring the effective delivery of training programs for the professional development of all personnel.  The responsibilities of the Training Officer are outlined in the Torbay Volunteer Fire Department Constitution.

 Fire Prevention Division: The Fire Prevention Officer is responsible for the enforcement of codes and regulations pertaining to the protection of lives and property.   The responsibilities of the Fire Prevention Officer include implementing and maintaining an ongoing effective Fire Prevention Program. These responsibilities are outlined in the Torbay Volunteer Fire Department Constitution and include:

  • Fire Prevention Inspections

  • Pre Fire Planning

  • Public Education Programs

  • Fire Prevention Statistics

Public Relations Division: The Public Relations Officer is responsible to ensure ongoing effective community relations and promotion of the department to assist in recruitment of new personnel and department funding.  The responsibilities of the Public Relations Officer are outlined in the

Torbay Volunteer Fire Department Constitution and include:

  • Ongoing effective community relations program

  • Positive promotion of the department

  • Ongoing recruitment & retention program

Community Events
