Fire Prevention

A Message from the Fire prevention Chief

Increased demands now placed on firefighters and other emergency responders require us to have a clear understanding of all aspects of fire prevention and education.

 Every action we take as firefighters projects a long lasting effect on our communities and the citizens we serve. Therefore, we as firefighters must direct a great deal of effort toward potential risks and be cognizant of the impending dangers before they become reality.

 We can best accomplish this by educating our children early, through the “Learn Not To Burn Program” and by stressing the consequences of fire and the importance of life safety, through frequent school visits. Our fellow citizens can best be informed through the department’s use of the public airways, fire station tours, community presentations and residential surveys.

 These types of activities, incorporated with fire inspections, fire incident records and pre incident surveys gives the fire department the necessary information required to deal with any emergency situation should one occur. It also gives homeowners and business operators the opportunity to resolve any problems that may have been identified in the fire hazard reports. Through this we can hopefully reduce our fire frequency rate and eliminate all possible danger to life by fire.

 The cheapest way to fight fires is by preventing them!


Smoke Detectors: It a goal of the fire department to have PROPERLY PLACED AND WORKING smoke detectors in every home in the community. If you do not have a smoke detector, or have one but don’t have it installed, call us. We will gladly supply you with and install up to 2 battery operated smoke detectors in your home. If you have your own detectors and are simply unsure of the best mounting location, we’d be glad to help you with that as well.

 Home Fire Inspections: The best way to ensure that you are fire safe is to have a home or business fire inspection. At your request we will inspect your home for any fire hazards, ensure that all smoke detectors are working and functional and review your home evacuation plans at no charge or obligation.

 Learn Not to Burn®: For more than 20 years, Learn Not to Burn® (LNTB) has been the theme and focus of NFPA’s comprehensive public fire safety education initiatives. Based on NFPA’s belief that fire safety information should be presented in a positive, non-threatening manner, LNTB teaches people of all ages how to make responsible choices regarding health and safety. The Torbay Volunteer Fire Department is a supporter of the Learn Not to Burn® program and assists teachers and schools with its implementation.

 Firehall Tours: We are happy to offer your youth group a tour of our firehall coupled with fire safety information. Please contact us to arrange an appointment.







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