Ralph Tapper

1. What experiences (professional and/or personal) do you have that you feel support you as a great candidate for municipal council?

37 yr. employee at MUN, retiring as Facilities Manager and Head of the Circulation Dept, QE II Library, President of 1200 member staff union. Also participant in various sports, coaching, refereeing, plus league executives.

2. What’s one thing you would like residents to know about you? 

Great listener

3. What made you want to run for council?

I feel I still have a great deal to offer our Town & it’s residents.

4. Why is it important for you to participate in your community this way?

To insure our Town, with it’s vast history, continues to attract new & diverse families to call Torbay their home.

5. If elected, what do you hope to achieve as a councillor?

As one of seven members, we work as an energetic team during our full 4-year term.

6. Can you tell me one specific issue currently facing Torbay, and how you would begin to address it should you be elected?

To address the lack of affordable housing for our aging seniors by attracting developers & help them to identify suitable properties for this type of housing.

7. What, do you think, are the major benefits of having a municipal democracy?

It’s our level of government which deals directly, day to day, with our residents

8. In your opinion, how important is diversity on a council?

Very! If diverse candidates decide to run and get elected for Council, they should be given equal opportunity by voters and treated with respect while serving our community.

9. Why should residents of Torbay vote you into their council?

My past experience and work serving this community is proof of my dedication to this Town.

10. If elected, what will you enjoy most about being a councillor?

Having the opportunity to speak to both new and established residents, to help increase their pride when stating to their friends “I’m from Torbay”.




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