Mary Thorne-Gosse

  1. What experiences (professional and/or personal) do you have that you feel support you as a great candidate for municipal council?

Served on council for several terms as Councillor and Deputy Mayor, and if elected, can hit the ground running.

Experience serving on most committees of Council, including, but limited to the following: Planning and Development; Public Works and Infrastructure; Administration and Finance; Recreation and Community Services; Environment and Trails; Board of Directors for The Jack Byrne Regional Sports and Entertainment Centre; liaison with the Torbay Volunteer Fire Department; and Urban Municipalities Caucus.

Current Chairperson of the Northeast Avalon Joint Council, which consists of 19 municipalities.

Member of Women’s Caucus for Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador (MNL)

Member of Mental Health Task Force: Communities That Care, which includes all municipalities in NL.

Member of Holy Trinity Elementary School Council.

Member of the Board of Directors for Cowan Plaza Bingo.

Retired after 35 years of work and management experience with various Federal Government Departments and Agencies.

2. What’s one thing you would like residents to know about you? 

The one thing I would like residents to know about me is I am dedicated to putting my time and energy into serving the residents of Torbay in whatever capacity required for the next four years.

3. What made you want to run for council?

I am running for council because I can continue be your strong voice representing your concerns and issues. Due to my extensive, current, experience as a Councillor, I can influence major decisions, to improve the quality of life here in Torbay, while ensuring taxpayer’s dollars are put to best use.

4. Why is it important for you to participate in your community this way?

It is important to me to participate as a Councillor in Torbay because I have a strong desire and very passionate to participate in shaping the future of our beautiful Town in a positive way for future and current generations making Torbay an age friendly, all-inclusive community to live, work, play, raise a family and retire.

5. If elected, what do you hope to achieve as a councillor?

If elected I will continue to work tirelessly to serve diligently on Committees that                     enhance infrastructure including the following:

  • Upgrading and paving of roads.
  • Continued extension and installation of sidewalks and accessible trail.
  • Securing funding for a water and sewer treatment plant as well as a new viable water source.
  • Explore the benefits of regionalization to secure additional funding from the Federal and Provincial Governments.
  • Improve programs and activities offered in the various facilities for all age groups.
  • Provide additional education to increase recycling.
  • Increase speed calming and pedestrian safety.

6. Can you tell me one specific issue currently facing Torbay, and how you would begin to address it should you be elected?

One specific issue currently facing Torbay is the excessive speeding throughout the Town by on-road vehicles (i.e. cars, trucks, SUVs) as well as ATVs and dirt bikes. To address this, we must:

  1. Work more closely with the RNC to get more visibility. This could be attained through regular visits to the Town Hall, dropping into Council Meetings; public meetings and social media, and working with the school children and parents to educate them on the dangers of such activities by inviting guest speakers, who have been affected by tragedy due to careless acts.
  2. Have ongoing discussions with our MHA and the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure to discuss viable options to address speed calming and pedestrian safety on Provincially owned roads in Torbay.

7. What, do you think, are the major benefits of having a municipal democracy?

The major benefits of having municipal democracy is that all residents of Torbay can participate in the decisions that affect their day-to-day life. All councillors are accountable to those who elect them. All residents can contribute to making Torbay a strong, thriving community.

8. In your opinion, how important is diversity on a council?

Diversity on council is critical. It’s important that all decisions made at the municipal level are reflective of all the residents when decisions are made. Council is the voice of everyone we represent, therefore it is extremely important that all types of experiences and opinions are heard in the council chamber and committees of council.  When issues or concerns are raised, all residents have a right to be heard before major decisions, that will impact the future of Torbay, are made. We are elected to speak on “everyone’s” behalf!

9. Why should residents of Torbay vote you into their council?

Residents should consider me for Council because I have the passion, knowledge, experience and time to work on your behalf. I will continue to listen “openly “to all residents with the goal of building a better, more inclusive community. When making decisions I want to hear all the facts, opinions, history, policies, regulations and possible consequences etc, that may negatively impact our community. I am open minded and often known to change my mind when presented with new information to take into consideration before a final decision is made by council. Sharing of information and having a good working relationship with council, staff and residents is very important.

10. If elected, what will you enjoy most about being a councillor?

If elected I will thoroughly enjoy working with and supporting the new council, staff, residents, Torbay Environment Advisory Committee, new Board of Directors for the History House and Museum, TVFD, Torbay Folk Arts Council and all other volunteer groups making decisions, seeing projects completed and infrastructure improved. Improved and increased speed calming measures and pedestrian safety. Increased and improved recreational programs and activities for all age groups.  I’m looking forward to seeing the new sidewalks installed, roads paved and upgraded, extension of walking trails, new water and sewer treatment plant. History House and Museum up and running, and of course most urgent – a new viable water supply.  Getting decisions actioned!!!!!


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