Fire Prevention Week 2020 in Torbay & Flatrock
Event Details
Fire Prevention Week is from October 4–10, 2020. This year’s campaign campaign is “Serve Up Fire Safety In The Kitchen!” The campaign works to educate everyone about simple but important actions they can take to keep themselves and those around them safe. Cooking is one of the leading causes of home fires, and the way to change that is through public education.
The Torbay Volunteer Fire Department (TVFD) has organized a week full of activities in the community:
Sunday, October 4, 1:30pm: Fire Prevention Week Parade of emergency vehicles through communities of Torbay and Flatrock
Monday, October 5: Greetings with Sparky and TVFD at Holy Trinity Elementary and Fire & Life Safety Inspection by Fire Prevention Officers.
Tuesday, October 6: Fire & Life Safety Inspection of Holy Trinity High and Juniper Ridge Intermediate by Fire Prevention Officers.
Wednesday, October 7, 7:30pm: First Annual Community-wide Fire Drill.
Thursday, October 8: “Serve Up Fire Safety in the Kitchen” virtual presentation to Holy Trinity Elementary Grade 4 classes by Fire Prevention Officers
Saturday, October 10, 6:00pm-8:00pm: TVFD Outdoor Drive-thru Open House at Jack Byrne Sports and Entertainment Centre parking lot, including display of Firefighters, fire trucks, and equipment
Fire Chief for a Day Contest ballots have been distributed to K-4 classes at Holy Trinity Elementary and Cape St. Francis Elementary and draw will take place after the close of Fire Prevention Week.