Build Torbay Contest
Event Details
Whether you use Legos, blocks, popsicle sticks, Playdoh, or recyclable material like milk cartons, cardboard boxes, or egg cartons, we want to see you build Torbay!
Use blocks or household items to build a minature building in Torbay. We’ve got lots of great places to choose from, like the Town Hall, Torbay Common, the Municipal Depot, Upper Three Corner Multi-purpose Complex, the History House, Codner House, churches, schools, or a local business.
Take a picture of your build and send it, along with your name, phone number, full mailing address, email address, and the name of the building you have built, to smartin@torbay.ca.
Prizes will be awarded for the top three builds.
Participants are also encouraged to post pictures of their entry throughout the building process to social media using hashtag #BuildTorbay and tag the Town at @torbaynl.
Open to residents of the Town of Torbay only.
Contest Deadline: June 6 at 8:00pm
Winners will be selected by June 22, 2020.