Budget 2020 Public Consultation Meeting
Event Details
Join us on November 6, 2019 at 7:00pm for the Budget 2020 Public Consultation Meeting in Council Chambers at the Torbay Town Hall.
Your feedback is essential to developing a budget that captures the interests and needs of the town and its residents. So here at the Town of Torbay, we want to ensure that everyone can have their say when it comes to developing the 2020 budget.
Sign up on our new Resident Engagement site, mytorbay.ca and be a part of building Town of Torbay’s 2020 Budget.
Watch the Budget 101 video to learn how the Town of Torbay develops its budget then take the survey and share your ideas on what you want to see prioritized in the Budget.
Don’t have access to the internet? Drop in to the Town Hall and we’ll help you get online!
You must be registered to provide feedback. Please note that this is a new account and is not the same as your e-services account.