Bike Rodeo Contest
Event Details
Get fit in style with our diy bike rodeo! Sometime during the month of June, decorate all of your bikes and helmets and enjoy a family bike ride. Take a picture of your bike rodeo and send to Scott Martin at smartin@torbay.ca to be entered to win a prize!
Get creative and set up an obstacle course with chalk including stop signs, turns, cross walks, and dismount areas.
Stay safe when riding your bike and check out these Bicycle Helmet Tips and Bicycle Resources and Regulations.
Participants are also encouraged to post pictures of their entry to social media using hashtag #BikeRodeoTorbay and tag the Town at @torbaynl.
Open to residents of the Town of Torbay only.
Contest Deadline: June 30 at 8:00pm
Winners will be selected by July 14, 2020.