12 Gifts of Christmas Virtual Scavenger Hunt
As Christmas approaches, Santa’s elves have been visiting Torbay and hiding gifts throughout the town!
From December 14-25, check out our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages to see a photo of that day’s gift hidden in a business or other location in Torbay and a clue to what gift is under the wrapping. Write down your guess for what is inside the gift box and where you think it is hidden in the 12 Days of Gifts Virtual Scavenger Hunt Answer Sheet (you can print the answer sheet off or, if you don’t have a printer, you can fill it out and save it on your computer, tablet, or smartphone). Submit your completed answer sheet, including your name, address, phone number, and email address, to kcombden@torbay.ca by 4:00PM on Sunday, December 27. Each location and gift you have correct will be an additional entry into the contest to win some awesome prizes!
Each household is permitted to submit one answer sheet with guesses for both the location contest and gift contest.
Happy hunting!
When: December 14-25
Where: Town of Torbay – @torbaynl on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
Age: All ages
Deadline: December 27 at 4:00pm
Day 1 – December 14, 2020
Today’s gift is sponsored by Thornhill Inspection Services
Guess the Location Clue: It’s here you’ll find the snowplows that clean our snowy roads… WHERE in Torbay is the gift hidden today?
Guess the Gift Clue: You’ll need one of these when baking sweet treats for your guests to eat…WHAT gift is hiding under the wrapping paper?
Day 2 – December 15, 2020
Guess the Location Clue: A place to fill any of your industrial needs… WHERE in Torbay is the gift hidden today?
Guess the Gift Clue: A tool to help you prepare to heat your home in the winter… WHAT gift is hiding under the wrapping paper?
Day 3 – December 16, 2020
Guess the Location Clue: A place to go skating with your friends… WHERE in Torbay is the gift hidden today?
Guess the Gift Clue: A place to store all your yummy cookies… WHAT gift is hiding under the wrapping paper?
Day 4 – December 17, 2020
Today’s gift is sponsored by Busy Bees Family Home Child Care
Guess the Location Clue: The first thing you see when coming to town… WHERE in Torbay is the gift hidden today?
Guess the Gift Clue: Use this as a fun way to add color to your clothes… WHAT gift is hiding under the wrapping paper?
Day 5 – December 18, 2020
Guess the Location Clue: Christmas trees are evergreen like this place’s namesake… WHERE in Torbay is the gift hidden today?
Guess the Gift Clue: Life is like a box of these… WHAT gift is hiding under the wrapping paper?
Day 6 – December 19, 2020
Guess the Location Clue: A convenient spot to get what you need… WHERE in Torbay is the gift hidden today?
Guess the Gift Clue: Cuddle up in one of these to stay warm… WHAT gift is hiding under the wrapping paper?
Day 7 – December 20, 2020
Guess the Location Clue: A place to go to learn to read and write… WHERE in Torbay is the gift hidden today?
Guess the Gift Clue: A game that requires surgeon-steady hands… WHAT gift is hiding under the wrapping paper?
Day 8 – December 21, 2020
Guess the Location Clue: A place to go to remember and reflect… WHERE in Torbay is the gift hidden today?
Guess the Gift Clue: You can sip warm drinks from this… WHAT gift is hiding under the wrapping paper?
Day 9 – December 22, 2020
Guess the Location Clue: A great spot to get a slice… WHERE in Torbay is the gift hidden today?
Guess the Gift Clue: Ninja turtles would think this gift is totally radical… WHAT gift is hiding under the wrapping paper?
Day 10 – December 23, 2020
Guess the Location Clue: Drive by this place to see the big town Christmas tree… WHERE in Torbay is the gift hidden today?
Guess the Gift Clue: This small appliance makes fruits go down smooth… WHAT gift is hiding under the wrapping paper?
Day 11 – December 24, 2020
Guess the Location Clue: A great place for a coffee and a treat… WHERE in Torbay is the gift hidden today?
Guess the Gift Clue: This is one of the most popular hot beverages in the world… WHAT gift is hiding under the wrapping paper?

Day 11 – December 24, 2020
Guess the Location Clue: A place to get active & have fun with family & friends… WHERE in Torbay is the gift hidden today?
Guess the Gift Clue: Paint one of these to hang on your tree… WHAT gift is hiding under the wrapping paper?