12 Days of Easter Online Egg Hunt

Event Details

The Easter Bunny has been visiting Torbay to make sure everyone is staying safe. To prepare for Easter, he has decided to have a 12 Days of Easter Online Egg Hunt!

From April 1-12, check out our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages to see a photo of that day’s egg hidden in a location somewhere in Torbay. Write down the color of the egg for that day and where you think it is hidden in the Online Egg Hunt Answer Sheet (you can print the answer sheet off and color in the eggs for each day or, if you don’t have a printer, you can fill it out and save it on your computer, tablet, or smartphone). Submit your completed answer sheet, including your name, address, phone number, and email address, to kcombden@torbay.ca by 4:00PM on Tuesday, April 14. If you have all the locations and egg colors correct for each day, you will be entered to win a prize pack from the Town of Torbay!

Happy hunting!

When: April 1-12
Where: Town of Torbay – @torbaynl on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
Age: All ages
Deadline: April 14 at 4:00pm


Day 1 – April 1, 2020: Orange egg at Juniper Ridge Intermediate
Day 2 – April 2, 2020: Blue egg at Torbay Public Library
Day 3 – April 3, 2020: Yellow egg at North Pond Manor
Day 4 – April 4, 2020: Green egg at Town Depot
Day 5 – April 5, 2020: Purple egg at Holy Trinity Elementary
Day 6 – April 6, 2020: Yellow egg at Upper Three Corner Softball Dugout
Day 7 – April 7, 2020: Blue egg at Torbay Common
Day 8 – April 8, 2020: Pink egg at Jack Byrne Arena
Day 9 – April 9, 2020: Orange egg at Town Hall
Day 10 – April 10, 2020: Green egg at Torbay Beach
Day 11 – April 11, 2020: Pink egg at Torbakery
Day 12 – April 12, 2020: Purple egg at Veteran’s Memorial


DAY 1 – April 1, 2020

Pine Ridge, Maple Ridge, Spruce Ridge… where in Torbay is the egg hidden today?

DAY 2 – April 2, 2020

A great way to pass the time is by curling up on the couch with a good read. Where in Torbay is the egg hidden today?

DAY 3 – April 3, 2020

This has been a busy place to “FaceTime” with loved ones over the past couple of weeks. Where in Torbay is the egg hidden today?

DAY 4 – April 4, 2020

Snowplows, Backhoes, Recycling Trucks and more can be found here. Where in Torbay is the egg hidden today?

DAY 5 – April 5, 2020

This little egg misses seeing all of its friends here every day. Where in Torbay is the egg hidden today?

DAY 6 – April 6, 2020

This egg is keeping his distance and coaching from the sidelines. Where in Torbay is the egg hidden today?

DAY 7 – April 7, 2020

Today’s egg has something in common with Day 2’s egg. Where in Torbay is the egg hidden today?

DAY 8 – April 8, 2020

Go Eagles Go! Where in Torbay is the egg hidden today?

DAY 9 – April 9, 2020

On the outside looking in. Where in Torbay is the egg hidden today?

DAY 10 – April 10, 2020

Cold in winter but warm in summer; a great place to roast marshmallows by a fire. Where in Torbay is the egg hidden today?

DAY 11 – April 11, 2020

Bright to see and sweet to smell. Where in Torbay is the egg hidden today?

DAY 12 – April 12, 2020

A place to remember, it is often visited on the 11th of November. Where in Torbay is the egg hidden today?

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  1. Didier

    This is a superb idea!

  2. Berkley

    this was a nice way for kids to have fun during this time Awesome IDEA

  3. Holly

    My kids (and me) had a blast trying to find one the other day. Couldn’t for the life of us figure it out but it was very fun trying.

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