Council Standing Committees 2017-2021
1. Administration and Finance
Chair: Councillor Tony Pollard
Member: Deputy Mayor Trina Appleby
Staff: Chief Administrative Officer
Staff: Director of Corporate Services
- Financial statement reporting and auditing
- Development and management of the annual operating budget and capital out of revenue
- Preparation of the Annual Fees and Permits Schedule
- Assessment and Taxation
- Accounts Payable and recommendations for payment
- Tax collection policy
- External audit report and recommendations
- Appointment of auditors, legal services and insurance agents
- Procurement policies and compliance with the Public Tendering Act
- Administer tender processes in conjunction with all Departments
- Developing and implementing a capital asset management system in conjunction with Public Works
- Accountability, transparency, internal controls, financial planning, information technology, records management, procurement, risk management and insurance, sponsorships and donations
- Liaise with the Municipal Assessment Agency
- Strategic Planning
- Internal and external branding, corporate image and customer service
- Policies and Procedures
- Occupation, Health and Safety
- Compensation and Benefits
- Compensation and benefits for CAO, Senior Management and non-unionized staff
- Human Resources
- Collective Bargaining
- Recruitment and Retention
- Training and Development
- Performance, productivity and discipline
- Hiring, discipline and dismissal decisions concerning senior management
- Town’s Succession Plan including specific development plans and career planning
- CAO’s Performance Evaluation
- Municipal elections, by-elections, plebiscites or referenda
- Setting strategy and dealing with existing and potential regional service matters
- Fostering partnerships in other matters requiring regional cooperation
- Standing Committees Terms of Reference
2. Economic Development and Tourism
Chair: Deputy Mayor Trina Appleby
Member: Councillor Justin Martin
Staff: Economic Development and Tourism Officer
- Promotion, marketing, media and advertising for the Town
- Shop Local
- Business Attraction, Retention and Expansion
- Tourism Development
- Monitoring and Implementation of the Tourism Master Plan
- Monitoring and Implementation of the Economic Development Strategic Plan
- Identification of Funding Opportunities and Proposal Development
- Communications, Public Relations and Public Engagement
3. Infrastructure and Public Works
Chair: Councillor Mary Thorne-Gosse
Member: Councillor Tony Pollard
Staff: Director of Infrastructure and Public Works
- Maintenance and snow clearing of streets and sidewalks
- Construction and maintenance of infrastructure, parks, trails, playfields, open spaces and the Upper Three Corner Pond Park Complex Infrastructure
- Maintenance of Town Buildings
- Public Parks and Playground safety
- Development and implementation preventive maintenance and inventory systems
- Developing specifications, bid documents and recommending tender awards
- Sanitation and waste disposal systems
- Monitor waste management systems
- Maintenance of water, sewer and storm water systems
- Capital projects, including infrastructure, buildings and recreation facilities
- Engineering services
- Fleet Maintenance and Replacement Strategy
- Public Transportation
- Project management – construction projects – facilities and capital works
- Speed Calming and Pedestrian Safety – Maintenance
- Animal Control
- Ensure all emergency planning responsibilities are adequately met
- Provide policy guidance and determine priorities for the Town’s Emergency Preparedness Plan Development
- Monitoring and amending of the Emergency Preparedness Plan
- Establish communication links with key community and regional stakeholder to ensure coordination and collaboration regarding issues and activities relating to emergency preparedness
4. Planning and Land Use Development
Chair: Councillor Justin Martin
Member: Councillor Mary Thorne-Gosse
Staff: Director of Planning and Development
Resource: Commissionaires
- Monitoring, implementing and amending the Municipal Plan and Development Regulations
- Town Plan Amendments
- Subdivision and development applications and agreements
- Public Consultation Processes related to Land Use Planning
- Compliance to Urban and Rural Planning Act and Provincial and Federal Regulations
- Development control services
- Consult with the community and interest groups in matters relating to land use and planning
- Real estate and land management
- Northeast Avalon Regional Plan
- Matters impacting protection of the environment
- Member will serve as Council’s representative on the Environment Advisory Committee
- Liaison to Stewardship Association of Municipalities (SAM)
- Neighborhood Security (From PSPS Committee)
- Enforcement of Municipal By-Laws (From PSPS Committee)
- Speed Calming and Pedestrian Safety Requests – Planning (From PSPS Committee)
- Municipal Water Supply Planning and Development
- Climate Change
- Storm Water Management
- Nature Conservancy of Canada
5. Recreation and Community Services
Chair: Councillor Geoff Gallant
Member: Councillor Peggy Roche
Staff: Director of Recreation and Community Services
- Liaison with community groups, sport organizations, business community and schools
- Aims and objectives for the development and delivery of Recreation, Leisure, Arts and Culture Services for all residents including youth and seniors
- Promotion of active, healthy and positive lifestyles
- Developing and delivering special events and major community events
- Beautification of the Town
- Tidy Towns and Communities in Bloom
- Snow Treasures Celebration
- Monitoring and implementation of the Recreation Master Plan
- Operation of The Torbay Common (Building and Site)
Liaison Committees
Atlantic Mayors Congress
Mayor Craig Scott
Intergovernmental Affairs – Federal, Provincial, Municipal
Mayor Craig Scott
Jack Byrne Regional Sports and Entertainment Centre
Deputy Mayor Trina Appleby and Councillor Tony Pollard
Northeast Avalon Joint Council
Councillor Mary Thorne-Gosse (Alternate Mayor Craig Scott)
Royal Newfoundland Constabulary
Mayor Craig Scott
Torbay Volunteer Fire Department
Councillor Justin Martin
Urban Municipalities Committee
Mayor Craig Scott (Alternate Councillor Mary Thorne-Gosse)
Standing Committee Meeting Schedule
Council Week
6:30PM – Public Council Meeting
6:30PM – Economic Development and Tourism
Off Week
6:30PM – Committee of the Whole
5:30PM – Planning, Land Use and Development
5:30PM – Recreation and Community Services
8:30AM – Infrastructure and Public Works
6:30PM – Administration and Finance
The Mayor is an ex-officio member of all committees and the Chief Administrative Officer may attend each committee meeting at her discretion.