Warming Centre at Torbay Common

Town of Torbay will be opening a warming centre at Torbay Common, 8 Kinsmen Place, Torbay at 4:00 PM today, January 19 for all those still experiencing power outages.

Travel restrictions will be lifted until 9:00 PM today to facilitate travel to the warming centre. All restrictions will go back into place at that time to facilitate snow-clearing efforts by the Town.

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  1. Maureen

    When is town back to full personnel to start widening roads

  2. Jodi Rideout

    Are torbay businesses supposed to remain closed tomorrow?

  3. John Moss

    It’s 3:00pm 20th Jan 2020 & I’m reading the latest post form the town dated, 19 Jan 2020, hmmmm?

  4. Town of Torbay

    We have been updated existing posts with information, so please view all storm related posts to ensure you have the information needed.

  5. Town of Torbay

    Businesses are permitted to open during the temporarily lifting of the State of Emergency, 6:00AM-9:00PM daily, until further notice.

  6. Town of Torbay

    The town’s snow-clearing crew was at full staff as of noon on Saturday, January 18, 2020 and road widening began after all roads were open with one cut.

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