Update on Identified Issues in Water System
The Town would like to provide residents who are on Town water services with an update on our current water issues within our water system. While we have identified the organisms as phantom midges and the fact that they are not harmful to residents we remain committed to work with government departments of Environment and Climate Change, Digital Government and Service NL and our engineering consultant to determine a mechanism to remove them from the system.
At our public council meeting last night, Council was briefed on the process that Town staff are undertaking:
• Currently we have completed a visual inspection on our intake pipe, all appears to be fine.
• Samples have been taken in many different areas around Town and the phantom midges appear to be only in certain areas, we are still investigating why.
• The Department of Environment and Climate Change is currently reviewing the pond for a fish population. A reduced population may be a cause or contributing factor.
• Through correspondence with Service NL it has been determined that a boil water order is not required at this time.
• Staff are working closely with the departments and our consultant to determine a path forward.
The Town is committed to finding a solution and providing safe drinking water to its residents. Any questions or concerns can be directed to publicworks@torbay.ca.
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