Starting a New Business in Torbay or Currently Operating a Business?
A Business License is required AND we are here to help
One of the most important legal requirements for starting a business is the need for a Business License. If you are starting a new business in Torbay or operating an existing business, you may not be aware that a business license is required to operate within the Town. Even home-based business owners need a permit to operate.
Registering for a business licence within the Town of Torbay gives you permission to operate your business on your premises (whether at your home or in a commercial space).
Contact the Town of Torbay to see which permits (including mobile business licences), might be required for your type of business. Our Economic Development Officer is happy to assist you and discuss the various tools the Town can provide to help with a smooth start to opening. If you are an existing business and weren’t aware of this requirement, not a problem. Please give us a call to discuss. We are here to help simplify the process and ensure that your business meets all requirements to operate.
Please contact Deanne Lawrence, Economic Development and Tourism Officer at or phone 709-437-6532, ext 230.
*Please note that additional regulations from federal and provincial governments might apply to your particular business and that you should consult the appropriate authority for more information.
*In some instances, you may be required to obtain a licence in municipalities where you do not maintain premises, but do carry on business.
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