Public Notices
Torbay Alerts
Sign up to receive important notifications from Torbay. You pick where, you pick how. Home, mobile or business phones, email address, text messages and more.
January 7 - WEATHER ADVISORY: Stay Safe and Be Storm Ready!
There is a winter storm on its way. Stay informed on advisories through your local media channels and check Environment Canada’s website for updates here:
Remember to check and restock your storm preparedness kit if necessary. Visit for tips and suggestions.
We ask all residents to familiarize themselves with the Town of Torbay's snow clearing regulations and guidelines here:
Please call 437-6532 (available 24 hours) to report an issue if you have any concerns. In the event of an emergency, please call 911.
Stay safe and be storm ready!
January 5 - UPDATE: Recreation Programs
January 5 - Christmas Tree Drop Off
January 5 - REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Exhibit Development, Interpretation, and Installation at Torbay History House & Museum
The Town of Torbay is seeking proposals from qualified and experienced interpretive planners to oversee and manage the development, design, and fabrication of interpretive material and exhibits, as well as the acquisition of furniture and equipment appropriate to a community museum.
January 4 - PUBLIC CONSULTATION: Agriculture Strategic Plan
In partnership with the Provincial government, the PCSP Chamber of Commerce has begun developing and implementing a 5-year strategic plan for the Killick Coast agriculture sector. Feedback from interested parties is essential to making this plan a success, and therefore hosting a public consultation event on Wednesday, January 19th, 2022. (online).
This strategic plan will outline existing gaps, how to further grow our current strengths, and identify future opportunities that will allow for food self-sufficiency, secondary processing, value-added agriculture, agri-tourism, job growth, and more.
We encourage participation from all towns in our region, so if you know someone in this industry that works in the Killick Coast area, please feel free to share this information with them.
Please RSVP
For additional information, please contact Deanne Lawrence at
December 30 - Garbage Notice
Due to the landfill closure, the Town of Torbay waste collection schedule will be adjusted for the remainder of this week only.
Garbage normally collected on Wednesday’s will be collected today, Thursday, December 30th and waste normally collected on Thursday’s will be collected on the morning of Friday, December 31st.
The Town is working with the contractor to ensure all garbage missed is collected as well.
December 23 - Public Advisory: Town of Torbay Alert Level 3 Operations
Effective immediately, Torbay Town Hall and the Torbay Common Community Centre are closed to the public.
The Town of Torbay will maintain essential services, including water testing, snow/ice control, municipal enforcement, and garbage and recycling collection.
The Town will continue to operate under Level 3, focusing on providing services to residents while protecting the health and safety of everyone. Town staff are working remotely, and the main phone line is 437-6532. For staff contact information, visit
The Town of Torbay is closely monitoring and reviewing information as it becomes available on the evolving situation of COVID-19. We are engaging with neighbouring municipalities and consulting with all levels of government on decisions and safety procedures.
December 23 - A Holiday Greeting from Mayor Scott
As we enter the Holiday Season, Town of Torbay Mayor, Craig Scott, is bringing season's greetings on behalf of Council and staff:
Another year has quickly come to an end, and as we look ahead to 2022, we look forward to great things not only as individuals but collectively as members of this beautiful community. We have had an exciting year in Torbay as we have witnessed progress in our Town, neighborhoods, and business community. And we anticipate many more successes in the year ahead!
As we reflect on the past year, I want to thank all our Town employees for their diligence, professionalism, and flexibility. Our gratitude certainly goes out to every one of you – it has been noticed, and it is indeed very much appreciated.
I'm proud to be your mayor, and I am sincerely honored to continue to serve you. I look forward to the opportunities that lie before us in the new year, and given how challenging the past many months have been for all of us, it feels essential to express our hopes and dreams for brighter days ahead in 2022. Above all, do not give up hope – we will all get through this time together.
In closing, during the Holiday Season and beyond, as Health Officials recommend and remind us – please remember to continue to wash your hands regularly, practice social distancing and wear a mask!
On behalf of Council and staff at the Town of Torbay, I wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season and a safe and Happy New Year.
Mayor Craig Scott
December 23 - Newfoundland and Labrador is now in Alert Level 3
As we have entered Alert Level 3, The Town of Torbay remains diligent in doing our part to slow the spread of the virus. The best way to do that is to ensure we all practice physical (social) distancing and practice good hand hygiene by washing hands regularly for 20 seconds at a time. Each of us is key to controlling the spread of COVID-19, and we all must do our part. Stay safe, Torbay!
For more information on Alert Level 3, visit:
For additional resources, visit:
December 23 - UPDATE: Water Ban Lifted
The Town of Torbay has lifted its water ban as the Town's water supply has returned to normal. The water supply will remain closely monitored. The Town of Torbay thanks you for your cooperation.
December 22 - CANCELLED: Recreation Holiday Programming
As the province will be moving to Alert Level 3 at midnight tonight, given the guidelines, the Holiday Programs scheduled for December 23-31 are cancelled at the Torbay Common Community Centre.
For anyone who has booked upcoming private facility rentals at Torbay Common Community Centre between December 23, 2021, to January 10, 2022, please contact Jen Martin, Director of Recreation and Community Services, at
Please note that as of now, the New Year's Eve Fireworks will be going ahead scheduled for 8:00 pm on December 31.
December 22 - Holiday Hours of Operation
Residents are advised of the following closures during the holidays:
Friday, December 24
All municipal buildings closed in observance of Christmas Eve holiday
Monday, December 27
All municipal buildings closed in observance of Christmas holiday
Tuesday, December 28
All municipal buildings closed in observance of Boxing Day holiday
Friday, December 31
Town Hall closing 12:00 Noon; Torbay Common closing 1:00pm
Saturday, January 1
Torbay Common Community Centre closed
Sunday, January 2
Torbay Common Community Centre closed
Monday, January 3
All municipal buildings closed in observance of New Year's Day holiday
Regular hours of operation will resume on January 4, 2022
December 21 - New Year's Eve Fireworks
Bring in the New Year with a bang with our New Year’s Eve Fireworks, early enough for all ages to enjoy!
The fireworks will be put off from the bottom of Holy Trinity Lane at 8:00 pm. Big thanks to the Torbay Volunteer Fire Department for their help with this event.
When: Friday, December 31, 8:00 pm
Where: Bottom of Holy Trinity Lane
Ages: All ages
Back-up Date: Saturday, January 1, 2022
December 20 - Public Notice: Special Public Council Meeting Cancelled
Please note the December 20, 2021 public Council meeting is cancelled. The next public Council meeting will be held on January 10, 2022.
December 14 - 2022 Garbage & Recycling Collection Schedule

December 13 - UPDATED Recreation Holiday Schedule
The Town apologizes for the miscommunication around the program activities on December 20-22. Find our UPDATED Recreation Holiday Schedule here: Download the Recreation Holiday Schedule Click Here

December 13 - Winter 2022 Program Registration Open For Residents

December 13 - Draft 2022 Budget Presentation
December 10 - Winter 2022 Community Guide
Stay up-to-date with all that's happening in the Town of Torbay! In this issue, read about Winter r
ecreation programming and special events. Learn about snow clearing regulations and find the 2022 Garbage and Recycling Calendar.
Hard copies of the Community Guide will be available early next week for pick-up at Town Hall (1288 Torbay Road) or at Torbay Common Community Centre (8 Kinsmen Place).
Download the Winter 2022 Community Guide Click Here
December 10 - Holiday Schedule For Recreation Programs
The Town is pleased to offer a variety of FREE programs during the holiday period as a way to say thank you to all those residents that have participated in programs and events in 2021!
Staff also encourage residents who have not attended previous programs to join in the fun and learn more about what the Department of Recreation and Community Services offers. These programs are provided on a first-come, first-serve drop-in basis. All Covid guidelines will apply, including the Vaccine Passport scanning rules when entering Torbay Common Community Centre. For more information, please get in touch with or
Download the Recreation Holiday Schedule Click Here
December 10 - Garbage Notice
December 10 - Development Notice: Variance Request - 3 Dunphy’s Lane
The Town of Torbay is in receipt of an application from 3 Dunphy’s Lane proposing to construct an accessory building on that property. The property is located within the Mixed Development (MIX) Land Use Zone of the Torbay Development Regulations 2015-2025. Residential Development in the MIX Land Use Zone shall comply with the Residential Infill (RI) Land Use Zone requirements. The maximum permitted accessory building lot coverage for this particular property is 48 square metres. The applicant is requesting a 10% variance increase of the maximum permitted lot coverage to 52.8 square metres. An increase of 10% may be considered by Council. This application is processed in accordance with Regulations 11, 12, and 33 of the Torbay Development Regulations.
Anyone wishing to comment on this proposal is asked to contact the Town Office in writing. The deadline for written comments shall be Wednesday, December 29, 2021, 4:00 pm. Further information on this matter may be obtained by contacting the Town’s Planning and Development Department.
3 Dunphy’s Lane PDF Location Map
1288 Torbay Road
P.O. Box 1160
Torbay, NL A1K 1K4
Julia Schwarz, Director of Planning & Development
437-6532 ext. 224 |
December 9 - Public Notice: Torbay Common Community Centre Closing at 7pm
Due to forecasted weather, Torbay Common Community Centre will be closing at 7pm today, Thursday, December 9. Stay safe, everyone!
December 9 - Public Notice: Town Hall Closed
Due to ongoing weather conditions, the Town of Torbay staff will work remotely for the remainder of the day. Town Hall will open for business at 8:30 am Friday, December 10th.
December 9 - Reminder Garbage Collection Cancelled for December 9th
Reminder to residents that garbage and recycling is canceled for today, Thursday, December 9th. The alternative pick-up date is Friday, December 10th.
December 9 - Public Notice: Town Hall
Due to the weather forecast, Town of Torbay staff will be working remotely this morning. A further update will be provided at 11 am.
December 8 - Garbage Collection Cancelled for December 9th

December 6 - Playgrounds Closed For The Season
Residents are advised that all outdoor municipal playgrounds are closed for the season.
We were pleased to have beautiful weather this summer and early fall for residents to enjoy the outdoor play structures while adhering to COVID-19 safety protocols. We welcome you all back to enjoy our playgrounds once again in the spring/summer season of 2022.
December 2 - Town of Torbay Winter Parking Restrictions

November 30 - POSTPONED: Tree Lighting Ceremony
Mayor’s Welcome
Greetings from MHA Wall
Santa reads, “A Night Before Christmas”
Mayor Scott leads the Countdown to Light the Christmas Tree
Blessing by Rev. Eric Squires and Fr. Paul Lundrigan
Torbay Folk Arts

November 30 - Last Chance to Purchase Tickets for the Senior's Christmas Party!
November 22 - Tickets Available For Giving Tree Concert
November 22 - Kids Eat Smart: The Children of NL Need Your Vote!

November 18 - Santa Claus Parade Float Registration

November 18 - 2021 Christmas Card Competition
The competition is open to Torbay residents in Grade K-6, and pictures must be hand-drawn in pencil with color. Please indicate your full name, address, age, grade, and phone number on the back of the drawing.
Entries can be dropped off at Torbay Common Community Centre (8 Kinsmen Place) Monday to Friday between 8:30 am-4:00 pm. The competition starts on November 21, and the deadline for submissions is December 6 at 4:00 pm. For more information, please get in touch with
November 15 - Seniors Christmas Party: Tickets Available Now!
Please note that as of 12:00 pm Monday, November 15th ticket purchases for the Seniors Christmas Party will no longer be available at Torbay Common and will need to be purchased at the Town Hall (1288 Torbay Road).
The tickets are $5.00 plus tax and include a cold plate from Traditional Coffee House and Deli, musical entertainment, and special guests. The event is offered on December 6th, 7th, and 8th at 6:00 pm. A limit of two tickets per person.
November 10 - Expression of Interest: Torbay's 50th Anniversary Celebrations Organizing Committee
2022 is our 50th Anniversary! We are looking for energetic and civic-minded residents to be members of our Anniversary Celebrations Organizing Committee. If you would like to be a Town ambassador and help foster community spirit and pride through celebratory programs, events, and initiatives throughout the year, apply to be on the committee. Send along an email to by December 3rd, 2021, and tell us why you want to be part of the Anniversary Celebrations.
November 9 - Seeking Christmas Tree Donations For Town Displays
The Town is looking for two Christmas trees to display in front of the Town Office Building and the Torbay Common Building for this upcoming Holiday season. Ideally, the trees would be at least 18-20 feet tall. If you are interested in donating a tree for this upcoming season or know of a location where the Town may get a tree, your help would be greatly appreciated. Please get in touch with Phil Vokey at 437-6532 ext. 286 or by email
November 9 - Remembrance Day Ceremony
The Town of Torbay is pleased to have a return of the in-person November 11th Remembrance Day Ceremony. Join us as we remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.
When: Thursday, November 11th, 10:45 am
Where: Town of Torbay Veteran’s Memorial Site (The site is located across the street from the post office on Torbay Road. The post office address is 1412 Torbay Road)
During the Ceremony, social distancing is recommended, and masks need to be worn where distancing can’t be maintained. Proof of vaccination is not required as this is an outdoor event.
November 9 - Santa Claus Parade: Submit a Float Application
Submit a Float Application
Santa Claus Parade
November 9 - Remembrance Day Closures
- Torbay Town Hall will be closed.
- Torbay Common Community Centre will be closed.
November 9 - Torbay Business Awards: Nominate Today!
Have you experienced excellent customer service at a local business? Recognize them through the Torbay Business Awards!
Nominations are open, and the deadline has been extended until November 30th. A formal ceremony to celebrate those nominated will be held in the Spring of 2022.
November 8 - Budget 2022: Resident Survey
Your feedback is essential to developing a budget that captures the interests and needs of the town and its residents. So here at the Town of Torbay, we want to ensure that everyone has their say when developing the 2022 budget.
Please take a few moments and complete our Budget 2022 survey:
If you cannot complete the survey online, a printable PDF version of the survey can be found here: Download PDF
You can also email your budget questions and feedback to If you have any issues, please contact the Town Hall by email or phone at 709-437-6532.
The deadline for survey submission is Monday, November 15th, 2021.
November 8 - Reminder Change in Garbage Collection Schedule for Nov 11
November 5 - Garbage Collection Notice
Any garbage missed on Thursday, November 4th, will be collected this morning, Friday, November 5th. The Town and Contractor apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
November 3 - engageNL Lotto Licensing Regulations Consultation Digital
Government and Service NL (DGSNL) is looking for feedback on possible changes to the Lottery Licensing Regulations, which regulate charitable gaming in Newfoundland and Labrador.
These types of lotteries include bingo, ticket sales, games of chance, sports lotteries, break-open lotteries, and Monte Carlo lotteries for charitable or religious purposes. To deliver feedback on these possible changes, please visit:
November 3 - Town of Torbay’s 2022 Budget, We Want To Hear From You
The Town of Torbay has commenced its preparation of Budget 2022. As part of that process, the Town wants to hear from you! How can you provide your input?
Register for a presentation on Tuesday, November 9th, 2021.
Council will be available to hear presentations from the public at the Torbay Town Hall commencing at 6 pm. Due to COVID protocols, pre-registration is required in advance. Please call 437-6532, extension 221, or email to register to present to Council.
Written submissions are also accepted by emailing or dropping off your request at the Town Hall, 1288 Torbay Road.
The deadline for written submissions is Monday, November 15th, 2021, at 4:00 pm.
November 3 - Garbage and Recycling Collection Scheduled For Thursday, Nov 11, Is Moved to Friday, Nov 12
November 3 - Community Bonfire November 5
November 3 - Remembrance Day Wreath Laying Ceremony
The Town of Torbay is pleased to have a return of the November 11th Remembrance Day Ceremony. This year Community Groups will be able to lay a wreath as in years prior to Covid-19 protocols.
The Ceremony will start at 10:45am, and all participants will be required to be onsite no later than 10:30am. If any community group or individuals are interested in registering to lay a wreath during the ceremony please email no later than Monday, November 8th, 2021.
October 29 - Proof of Vaccination Requirement - Torbay Common Community Centre

October 28 - Computers for Resident Use
If any resident needs use of a computer to complete their NL Vaccine Passport or support using e-Services, feel free to drop by Torbay Common Community Centre (8 Kinsmen Place) any time between 9:30am-3:30pm and use the lobby computer and printer.
Town Hall (1288 Torbay Road) also has a computer available for use during the week from 8:30am-4:00pm.
October 27 - Road Construction Work Zone Safety Tips
Reminder there are currently a number of construction zones throughout the Town of Torbay. Plan ahead for delays and please use caution while driving and follow these safety tips.
Current construction areas are:
- Torbay Road from Marine Drive to Darryl Pye Drive
- Reddy Drive
- Country Drive
The Town is also performing maintenance in various other locations around Town so please proceed with caution when you see Town equipment working or stopped. Thank you for your patience.
October 26 - Torbay Common Harvest/Halloween Display
Residents are welcome to drop by Torbay Common Community Centre to visit and take pictures with the harvest/Halloween themed display. Big thanks to Allied Youth NL for helping the Recreation & Community Services Department put this together!
October 26 - Hard Copies of the Fall 2021 Community Guide Available Now!
October 26 - Notice to Residents: Water Notice Update
Water in the affected areas should be back to normal now. Some areas May experience discoloured water, please run until it flows clear.
The Town apologizes for any inconvenience that this water disruption may have caused and thanks everyone for their patience.
October 25 - Notice to Residents: Emergency Water Shut Off
Residents are advised that effective immediately there is an Emergency Water Shut Off Notice in the areas of Flemings Hill North to Bridge Road, including Yeo’s Lane, residents North of Bridge Road may also experience a drop in pressure or loss of water. Water will be shut off to repair a unexpected water main break.
The Town thanks you for you patience and understanding while these urgent repairs are made.
Should you require further assistance please call 437-6532 ext 284.
October 21 - Proof of Vaccination Required at Torbay Common
Beginning Friday, October 22nd individuals over the age of 18 (and those 12-18 who are not participating in an activity) will be required to show proof of vaccination (NL VaxPass App or printed copy) and a valid picture ID at all times, prior to entering Torbay Common Community Centre. Individuals under 18, may be required to show a valid picture ID, if requested by staff.
Staff will scan the QR code on the NLVaxPass or review the printed proof of vaccination. In both cases proof of ID with a photo must be given. Proof of vaccination will be required for every entry to Torbay Common, not just the first visit. The public are reminded that masks are required when visiting Town facilities and social distancing measures are still in place.
For information on COVID-19 restrictions or the new NLVaxPass, please visit or
October 20 - Reminder: Water Ban Still in Effect
Residents are reminded that the Water Ban is still in effect due to an exceptionally dry season, causing low water levels. Residents are required to limit your water use and refrain from washing cars, watering lawns and all other unnecessary water use.
The Town encourages residents to utilize wise water use practices (e.g. short showers instead of baths, turn off tap while brushing teeth or shaving, delay doing laundry, hand wash dishes, rain barrel use, etc.)
The situation will be monitored and the guidelines will be adjusted accordingly.
Further Questions can be directed to 437-6532 ext 284. The Town of Torbay thanks you for your cooperation.
October 18 - Check Out Our Fall 2021 Community Guide!
The Community Guide is now available digitally and can be found here:
Physical copies will also be available at Torbay Common and Town Hall by the end next week!
October 14 - Notice to Residents: Free Wood Chippings
Notice to Residents: Wood chippings to the rear of the Town Hall (1288 Torbay Road) are free for the taking until October 22.
October 8 - Notice to Residents: Road Closure For 59 North Pond Road Scheduled For Tuesday, October 12
This is a notice of a temporary road closure for 59 North Pond Road scheduled for Tuesday, October 12, 2021. The contractor is planning to commence work at 7:00am on October 12 and will have two traffic control flag persons on site. The road closure is expected to be for one day.
The Town apologizes for any inconvenience. Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact the Town at 437-6532, ext. 266.
October 8 - Thanksgiving Holiday
In observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday, all Town facilities are closed on Monday, October 11, 2021.
We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving weekend!
October 8 - Celebrate Small Business Week
Join us on Wednesday, October 20th, 2021 to celebrate Small Business week!
This one-day event will host 4 sessions throughout the day and are FREE to attend with a non-perishable food donation to the Northeast Avalon Food Bank. Pre-registration is required. All sessions are scheduled to take place at Torbay Common, 8 Kinsmen Place, Torbay.
Funding Assistance Panel - Hosted by CBDC, Lane Strategies and NLOWE
PCSP Chamber of Commerce; who we are and benefits of joining
Digital 101 - Hosted by Intuitive Media
Co-Workers First: Engaging Employees in Mental Wellness - Hosted by the Canadian Mental Health Association
*Snacks and refreshments during each session are provided by Traditional Coffee House and Deli
For more information and to register, please email Torbay’s Economic Development and Tourism Officer, Deanne Lawrence at
Unable to attend Torbay’s Sessions or interested in different topics, check out the Small Business Week sessions hosted by the PCSP Chamber of Commerce. Visit for more information and to register.
October 5 - 2021-2025 Torbay Town Council Sworn In
The Town of Torbay's 2021-2025 Council was sworn in Monday evening October 4, 2021 and Mary Thorne-Gosse was elected as Deputy Mayor.
Craig Scott
Trina Appleby
Ward Gosse
Rhonda Manning
Tony Pollard
Ralph Tapper
Mary Thorne-Gosse
A sincere thank you to outgoing Councillors; Councillor Gallant (12 years), Councillor Martin (4 years) and Councillor Roche (24 years) for their many years of hard work and dedication to the Town of Torbay. Mayor Scott presented tokens of appreciation at last night’s final meeting of the 2017-2021 Town Council to each outgoing Councillor.
Thank you to Ross Thornhill and Chris Wheeler for putting their names forward in the election process.
October 4 - Public Council Meeting
Our October 4th, Public Council Meeting will be available to the public via livestream only at 6:30 p.m. This is the final meeting of the 2017-21 Town Council. The swearing in and first meeting of the new Council will follow at 7:30 p.m. Due to COVID-19 restrictions and the number of people in attendance with the change over to new Council, we cannot open the Council Chambers to the public for this meeting. The agendas for both meetings on Monday are published to the Town’s Civic Web Portal for your viewing:
For more information visit:
Watch live via the Town’s Civic Web Portal:
October 1 - Notice to Residents: Discoloured Water
Notice to residents: Who are on Town water may be experiencing discoloured water due to a pump issue. We believe the issue is resolved now, but ask residents to run their cold water until it runs clear. The Town apologizes for any inconvenience.
September 29 - Town Facilities Will Be Closed For The Day Sept 30
The Town of Torbay joins Federal / Provincial Governments to recognize September 30 as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Town facilities will be closed for the day.
September 24 - Election Advance Poll Saturday, September 25
The Town of Torbay wishes to advise electors that the second Advance Poll is taking place Saturday, September 25. Voting will take place from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. at the Torbay Common Community Centre, 8 Kinsmen Place.
If you would like to get to know the Candidates who are running in the upcoming Municipal Election please visit
Election Day
September 28, 2021 (Torbay Common Community Centre, 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.)
September 24 - Revised Waste Management Collection Schedule Starting October 5
September 22 - 2021 Term End Report
Interested in learning more of about accomplishments of the last four years? Be sure to read the 2021 Term End Report here.
September 21 - Yard Debris Drop Off Location Closed
Please note, the Town’s yard debris drop off location is now closed while chipping is occurring.
September 17 - Reminder - Ban Notice: Water Usage
Residents are reminded that the Water Ban is still in effect due to an exceptionally dry season, causing low water levels. Residents are required to limit your water use and refrain from washing cars, watering lawns and all other unnecessary water use.
The Town encourages residents to utilize wise water use practices (e.g. short showers instead of baths, turn off tap while brushing teeth or shaving, delay doing laundry, hand wash dishes, rain barrel use, etc.)
The situation will be monitored and the guidelines will be adjusted accordingly.
Further Questions can be directed to 437-6532 ext 284. The Town of Torbay thanks you for your cooperation.
September 15 - Water Disruption Reddy Drive Area
Notice to all residents in the Reddy Drive Area that there will be a water disruption tomorrow from 9:00am to 5:00pm to facilitate the instillation of two new fire hydrants in the area.
Streets affected include:
Reddy Drive
McArthur Place
McBee Place
McCormick Place
McDuff Place
McEvoy Place
McFayden Place
McGory Place
September 13 - Bulk Garbage Drop Off
September 13 - Torbay Talks: Council Meeting Updates
Torbay Talks: Council Meeting Updates is a summary of the motions passed at the September 7, 2021 Public Council Meeting. Read the updates here.
September 11 - Hurricane Larry - Downed Tree Cleanup
September 11 - Notice to Residents - Hurricane Larry Update

September 10 - Remove and/or Secure Election Signage in Anticipation of Hurricane Larry
September 10 - Notice To Residents: Road Work on Country Drive Starting Monday
Modern Paving will be starting road work on Country Drive this coming Monday, September 13. Work will be taking place from Hickey’s Place to Whiteways Pond Road along Country Drive. Duration is 6 - 8 weeks.
September 10 - POSTPONED: Torbay Artisans & Farmers Market
September 9 - Emergency Preparedness: Hurricane Larry
- Prepare an emergency kit
- Secure your property against potential rain, flood and wind damage
- Check drains in front of your property and check driveway culverts for obstructions
- Charge devices
September 7 - Notice To Residents: Storm Water Drainage Project Occurring on Skippers Landing
The Town would like to advise residents that as part of the Storm Water Drainage Project occurring on Skippers Landing the two main culverts crossing the street are being replaced this week. In order to perform this work the contractor will be directing traffic on the north side of the crossing up through the fire road access to Indian meal Line. Traffic on the South side of the crossing will use the normal route. The contractor has contacted 911 dispatch and our local fire department is aware of the situation. This work will be occurring over the next couple of days Sept 7 & 8, 2021. Normal access will be provided overnight. The Town apologizes for any inconvenience that this may cause. Any questions can be directed to or 233-0537.
September 3 - Notice To Residents: The Torbay Town Office will be closed on Monday, September 6th, 2021
The Torbay Town Office and all Town Facilities will be closed on Monday, September 6th, 2021 in Observance of the Labour Day Holiday. The Town would like to wish its Residents a safe and happy Labour Day weekend!
September 2 - Employment Opportunity: Deputy Returning Officers & Poll Clerks for September 28th Municipal Election
In anticipation of the upcoming Municipal Election on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, the Town of Torbay is seeking applications from persons interested in serving as Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks on Election Day. The Election will be held at the Torbay Common Community Centre.
For further details please see attachment.
September 1 - Torbay Talks Newsletter: Town of Torbay Municipal Election Update
Torbay Talks: Newsletter is a bi-weekly newsletter where we share timely updates on news, projects, programs and special events.
August 31 - Notice of Candidates
The following persons have been nominated for election to Council during the 2021 Municipal Election for the Town of Torbay.
August 31 - Emergency Water Shut Off Notice - Reddy Drive & Area
UPDATE: Water has since been restored.
Residents are advised that effective immediately there is an Emergency Water Shut Off Notice in the area of Reddy Drive. This interruption includes all side streets in the immediate area. Water will be shut off to repair a unexpected water line break.
The repairs are estimated to last 3-4 hours.
August 27 - Update: Sidewalk Construction Project
August 28 - Torbay Municipal Election Nomination Day Information
Nominations for Torbay Town Council will take place on Aug 31, 2021, in the Town Hall Council Chambers from 8AM – 8PM.
Masks are required to be worn during the nomination process.
If you have any questions, please contact the returning officer Kim Osmond at 437-5362 extension 262.
August 27 - Reminder - Ban Notice: Water Usage
August 20 - Splash Pad Closed
Notice to residents: due to the mandatory water ban in place within the Town. The splash pad located at Torbay Common will be closed effective immediately.
We will continually monitor and advise if/when the splash pad can reopen.
August 19 - Recycling Update
August 19 - Ban Notice: Water Usage
Due to an exceptionally dry season, the Town of Torbay wishes to inform its residents that we are experiencing low water levels. As a result, we are imposing a water usage ban. Residents are required to limit your water use and refrain from washing cars, watering lawns and all other unnecessary water use.
The Town encourages residents to utilize wise water use practices (e.g. short showers instead of baths, turn off tap while brushing teeth or shaving, delay doing laundry, hand wash dishes, rain barrel use, etc.)
The situation will be monitored and the guidelines will be adjusted accordingly.
Further Questions can be directed to 437-6532 ext 284. The Town of Torbay Thanks you for your cooperation.
August 19 - Upcoming Public Council Meeting August 23rd
The Town of Torbay will be opening the August 23rd Council meeting to the public. Limited spaces are available, pre-registration is required by contacting Kim Osmond.
Phone: (709) 437-6532, Ext. 262
Covid screening will be required and masks will need to be worn.
August 18 - Sidewalk Construction Project
Notice to residents: that the Towns 2021 Sidewalk construction Project from Darryl Pye Drive to Bauline Line and from Indian Meal Line to The Town Office will be starting on August 23, 2021 and is expected to take 12-14 weeks to complete.
Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact the Town at 437-6532, ext. 284.
August 18 - Roads Paving Project
Notice to residents: that the Towns 2021 Roads Paving Project on Reddy Drive and Country Drive will be starting on August 23, 2021 and is expected to take 10-12 weeks to complete.
Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact the Town at 437-6532, ext. 284.
August 16 - Precautionary Water Conservation Advisory Update
The Town of Torbay would like to remind residents of the importance of water conservation measures. With the recent amount of hot and dry days recently, our current pond level is nearing the lower end of our safe zone. The Town encourages all residents to conserve as much as possible. Lawn and garden watering with automatic sprinklers can place high and unpredictable demand on the water distribution system.
Therefore, the use of sprinklers is restricted to the hours of 6:00 – 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 –10:00 p.m. as per the following schedule:
Even Numbered Street Addresses - Monday, Wednesday and Saturday Only
Odd Numbered Street Addresses - Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday Only
Newly installed lawns and landscaping may be watered between 5:00-7:00 a.m. and 8:00-10:00 p.m. daily for a period of sixty (60) days following its installation. Hand watering of plants and gardens is permitted provided the hose is not left unattended.
The situation will be monitored, and the guidelines will be adjusted accordingly.
The Town of Torbay Thanks you for your continued cooperation and further questions can be directed to 437-6532 ext 284.
August 12 - Garbage Pick up
Reminder to all Residents that all Garbage must be curbside no later than 8:00 am the morning of collection. The Town appreciates your continued support as we continue working with the new Waste Removal Contractors. If you have any questions, please call the Town Hall at 437-6532 ext. 284.
August 6 - Splash Pad at Torbay Common Open Effective Saturday August 7th
The Splash Pad at Torbay Common is open effective Saturday, August 7, 2021. Hours of operation are 9am to dusk.
August 4 - Garbage and Recycling Pickup
Notice to residents: We have been advised by the Waste Management Contractor that they are behind in the pickup of both Garbage and Recycling. In the event your waste/recycling is not picked up this afternoon/evening please contact the Town Office at 437-6532 and we will work with the Contractor to have it picked up. We thank you for your patience and understanding during this transition period.
August 4 - Torbay Town Office Closed August 5th (Weather Depending)
The Torbay Town Office will be closed Thursday, August 5th, 2021 weather depending.
August 4 - Recycling Reminder
Effective today August 4, 2021 residents are advised that recycling we will no longer be collected if it has not been properly sorted. Please refer to the recycling guidelines which can be found on the Town’s website for proper sorting.
Find the important information you’ll need to recycle correctly here:
August 4 - Torbay Town Office is Open Today
Notice to residents that the Torbay Town Office is open today Wednesday, August 4th, 2021.
August 3 - Torbay Town Office Closed August 4th (Weather Depending)
The Torbay Town Office will be closed August 4th, 2021 weather depending.
August 3 - Seeking Volunteer Coaches for the 2021 Killick Coast Games
The Town of Torbay is looking for volunteer coaches for the 2021 Killick Coast Games which are being hosted by The Town of Logy Ball-Middle Cove-Outer Cove from August 15-20 (Junior ages 11-13) and August 22-27 (Senior ages 14-17). Coaches are needed in basketball, soccer, softball, and ball hockey. Volunteers are required to obtain a Certificate of Conduct and Vulnerable Sector Check.
Deadline: August 11, 2021
For more information or to volunteer please email or
Killick Coast Regional Games:
August 2 - Torbay’s Birthday Celebrations
Join us Saturday, August 7th to celebrate the Town of Torbay’s birthday with a morning breakfast, musical performances, fun activities, and special guests!
Registration is required and tickets are available now on e-Services:
August 2 - Public Meeting: 1235 Torbay Road Development
Discretionary Use (Response Deadline July 31, 2021)
Public Meeting (Wednesday, August 11, 2021; 6:30 pm; Torbay Common)
Register for public meeting here:
The Town of Torbay is in receipt of a renewed application proposing to utilize the property at 1235 Torbay Road for the storage of construction/rental equipment in conjunction with the existing business located at 1229 Torbay Road. The proponent has advised that they are not proceeding with a residential use of the property and have submitted a new application for the proposed equipment storage yard.
The property is located within the Mixed Development (MIX) Land Use Zone of the Torbay Development Regulations 2015-2025, and the proposed use is considered a light industrial use, which is listed as discretionary in the MIX Land Use Zone. This application is processed in accordance with Regulations 33 and 90, requiring public notification.
You can view more detailed information on the proposal on the Town’s website at
Anyone wishing to comment on this proposal is asked to contact the Town Office in writing. The deadline for written comments shall be July 31, 2021. The Town is also hosting a public meeting for area residents on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 at Torbay Common, 6:30 pm to discuss this application. Further information on this matter may be obtained by contacting the Town’s Planning and Development Department.
1288 Torbay Road
P.O. Box 1160
Torbay, NL A1K 1K4
Julia Schwarz, Director of Planning & Development
437-6532 ext. 224 |
Jason Slade , Planning & Development Technician
437-6532 ext. 254 |
July 30 - Torbay Common Playground Now Open / Splash Pad Update
Please note that the playground at Torbay Common is now open. The Torbay Common Splash Pad work remains ongoing and the anticipated opening date is Saturday, August 7th.
July 29 - Waste and Recycling Collection Contractor
The Town of Torbay would like to inform residents that the Town is in the process of changing its waste and recycling contract.
The last day for the current contractors T2 Ventures Inc. is Friday July 30, 2021. We would like to take this time to thank them for their service over the past 5 years.
The new Vendor for the Waste & Recycling Contract will be GFL Environmental inc. and they will be starting effective August 3, 2021. The town is looking forward to this new partnership. Residents should note that there will be no immediate change in the garbage and recycling schedule. All routes and regulations remain in effect until further notice. We ask for your patience as we all make this transition together.
Any concerns with waste and recycling collection should be communicated to the Town Office at 437-6532.
July 27 - Regular Public Council Meeting Rescheduled
Due to technical difficulties, Monday's public council meeting will be rescheduled to Wednesday, July 28, 2021 at 6:30pm.
July 26 - Storm Drainage Upgrades
Notice to residents in the Skippers Landing and Western Island Pond Drive areas that starting on August 2, 2021, Modern Paving will be on site at Skippers Landing to start the Storm Drainage Upgrades to the area. The project will take 4-5 weeks to complete.
Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact the Town at 437-6532, ext. 284.
July 19 - Precautionary Water Conservation Advisory
With extended periods of dry weather, The Town of Torbay would like to remind residents of the importance of the water conservation.
While our current pond level is in a safe zone, the Town would encourage residents to conserve as much as possible. Summer is just beginning and lawn and garden watering systems with automatic sprinklers can place high and unpredictable demand on the water distribution system.
Therefore, the use of sprinklers is restricted to the hours of 6:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. and on designated days outlined below:
Even Numbered Street Addresses - Monday, Wednesday and Saturday Only
Odd Numbered Street Addresses - Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday Only
Newly installed lawns and landscaping may be watered between 5:00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. any day for a period of sixty (60) days following its installation.
The situation will be monitored, and the guidelines will be adjusted accordingly.
The Town of Torbay Thanks you for your continued cooperation regarding water conservation within the town.
July 16 - Torbay Common Playground Closed July 19th - 30th
Please note that the playground at Torbay Common will be closed starting Monday July 19th - 30th, 2021. This closure is to safely accommodate ongoing work at the Torbay Common Splash Pad.
July 15 - Commissioner of Oath Services
Notice to residents: If you are looking to have documents signed, witnessed or if you require affidavits signed, that the Town of Torbay kindly asks that you call the main office to make an appointment to ensure staff availability. If you require further assistance on this free service, please call the main line at 437-6532.
July 8 - RNC Reminder: ATVs are Not Permitted to be Operated on Public Roadways
The RNC would like to remind our communities that ATVs (Quads, Dirt Bikes, and Side-by-Sides) are not permitted to be operated on public roadways under the Motorized Snow Vehicles and All-Terrain Vehicles Regulations consistent with the Department of Digital Government and Service NL. The roadways are only to be used for crossing when safe to do so. The RNC, in collaboration with the municipalities we serve, will be strictly enforcing these laws.
Common violations under the Motorized Snow Vehicles and All-Terrain Vehicles Regulations include, but are not limited to:
-R. 4 (A) – Operate vehicle in dangerous or hazardous manner: $130.00 -R. 6 (1) – Operate vehicle on highway: $130.00 -R. 10(1) – ATV operator or passenger not wearing helmet: $130.00 -R. 16 (1) – Operate ATV without insurance: $650.00 & Impoundment.
Operators who fail to stop for a peace officer pose a danger to themselves, other motorists and pedestrians. They also risk criminal prosecution under S. 320.17 of the Criminal Code – Flight for peace officer.
July 1 - Garbage Notice
A reminder to residents that there will be no change in the garbage schedule for July 1. For more information please visit
June 28 - Hydrant Flushing Program Starting Again
Hydrant Flushing will be starting again on Monday June 28th in the Marine Drive area for the week. This is expected to take 4-5 days. All other areas of the Town as been completed.
The Town and the Public Works Department thanks you for your patience and cooperation while we complete this important part of our annual water line maintenance.
During the flushing program residents can expect reduced water pressure, discoloration, and momentary interruption of water service. The Town advises residents to please refrain from doing laundry during this time as the discoloration may stain clothing. If your water is discolored please run your outside tap or bath tub tap until clear.
The Town apologizes for the inconvenience and asks for your cooperation during our flushing program.
Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact the Town at 437-6532, ext. 284.
June 27 - Line Painting Commencing
The Towns line paint contractor will be starting the line painting project this coming Sunday June 27th. Lines will be painted in various sites throughout the Town and will be going on for a two week period. Please obey all signs posted and proceed with caution.
June 24 - North Pond Road and Surrounding Areas

June 17 - Planned Blasting Operations
The Town of Torbay has been advised of a planned blast by a certified company in the Triple ‘A’ / NewCo Metals quarry at Three Island Pond off Bauline Line, Torbay. This will be a single blast, and will occur this Thursday, June 17, 2021 – 12:00 noon. The contractor is in process of notifying area residents, and is complying with provincial and municipal requirements for blasting.
June 9 - Annual Hydrant Flushing Program Commencing
Please be advised that the Town of Torbay’s Infrastructure and Public Works Department, Water & Sewer Division, will be commencing our annual Hydrant Flushing Program starting on June 9, 2021. Operations will be conducted between 9:30am and 3:00pm daily until further notice.
Reddy Drive Area working down towards Torbay Road, (Finished)
North Pond Road/Convent Lane then down Torbay Road towards Bridge Road Area (Finished)
Starting on Monday June 14 we will be starting on Indian Meal Line, Lower street up the North Side towards Thornes Lane and on to Dunphy’s Lane
June 21-25 Bauline Line, Patrick’s Path, Country Drive Areas
June 28- July 2 Marine Drive Area
Comments are closed.