Public Notice | Brush Cutting Notice
Brush cutting within the Town’s road right-of-way is a crucial annual maintenance item that greatly improves driving and walking safety and comfort. This year’s brush cutting areas include:
Bellaventure Place
Quigley’s Lane
Convent Lane
North Pond Rd
Bullocks Town Road
Lower Street
Camp Carey Road
Gosses & Rodgers Crescent
Woodfines Lane
Byrnes Lane
Whittens Lane
Morris Avenue
Ryans Road
Scott Place
Brush cutting is scheduled to start on Tuesday, September 3rd, and will generally follow the order of the above list. This work is estimated to take about 2 weeks to complete. We kindly ask that residents avoid parking on the road in these areas until work is complete and respect the safety of the staff completing the work.
If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to the Public Works department at (709) 437-6532 ext. 286.
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