PUBLIC HEARING: Municipal Plan Amendment No. 5, & Development Regulations Amendment No. 9, 615 Bauline Line
The Town Council of Torbay has adopted Municipal Plan Amendment No. 5, 2022, and Development Regulations Amendment No. 9, 2022 and a Commissioner of Public Hearing has been appointed to consider objections and representations on the above noted Municipal Plan and Development Regulations Amendments.
As a result of the current COVID-19 public health emergency, the Department of Municipal and Provincial Affairs has temporarily waived the requirement to hold physical public hearings under section 18 of the Urban and Rural Planning Act, 2000. The Commissioner appointed by Council will only be accepting written submissions which will be considered and reflected, where appropriate, in their report to Council.
The proposed Municipal Plan Amendment No. 5, 2022, will re-designate a single parcel of land located at 615 Bauline Line from Rural to Residential to create a second residential lot. Development Regulations Amendment No. 9, 2022, will re-zone the same area of land from Rural to Residential Infill (RI).
Anyone wishing to make an objection or representation at the Public Hearing shall deposit with the Town Clerk of Torbay, two copies of a signed written statement outlining the objection or representation by 3:00 p.m. on the 27th day of May 2022. Council encourages residents to view a copy of the Torbay Municipal Plan Amendment No. 5, 2022, and Development Regulations Amendment No. 9, 2022 at Town Hall, 1288 Torbay Road or on the Town’s website at www.torbay.ca .
Municipal Plan Amendment No. 5, & Development Regulations Amendment No. 9, 615 Bauline Line
More information may be obtained by contacting:
Town of Torbay
P.O. Box 1160
1288 Torbay Road
Torbay, NL
A1K 1K4
Tel: 437-6532
Fax: 437-1309
E-mail: jschwarz@torbay.ca
Comments are closed.