Public Consultation – Bernice Drive Extension – Mapping Amendment

The general public is invited to view a draft copy of the following  proposed amendments:

The Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Municipalities has requested consultation on a proposed Amendment to the St. John’s Urban Region Regional Plan Map (SJURRP Amendment No. 2, 2020) to re-designate land associated with the proposed Municipal Plan and Development Regulation Amendments from Rural to Urban Development.

The proposed Municipal Plan Amendment No. 4, 2020, will re-designate an approx. 1.05 ha sized parcel of land in conjunction with a proposed seven (7) lot residential subdivision located at the end of Bernice Drive from Rural to Residential.

The proposed Development Regulations Amendment No. 8, 2020, will re-zone the same area of land from Rural to Residential Large Lot (RLL).

This is to accommodate sufficient lot depth and area for four of the seven proposed lots.

The public may provide any comments or concerns on the proposed change to the Town in writing before Council proceeds with adopting the proposed amendment.

The deadline for written comments shall be 12:00 noon, Friday, March 12, 2021.

More information may be obtained by contacting:
Ms. Julia Schwarz, MCIP, CSLA
Director of Planning and Development
Town of Torbay
P.O. Box 1160
1288 Torbay Road
Torbay, NL
A1K 1K4
Tel: 437-6532 ext. 224
Fax: 437-1309

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