Notice to Property & Business Owners – 2022 Property & Business Tax Invoices

Invoices will be going in the mail January 31, 2022, to all property and business owners for the 2022 tax year.  If you do not receive your tax invoice(s)s within 7 days, please contact the Town office.

Please note the payment deadline for 2022 annual invoices is Thursday, March 31, 2022. Either payment in full or a payment plan must be put in place on or before the deadline date in order to avoid any accumulation of interest.

Any questions or if you require information, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 437-6532.

March 31, 2022 Deadline Payment Options:

The Town of Torbay Municipal Building is currently closed to the public as the Town Hall remains under controlled access due to Level 4 of the COVID-19 pandemic.  If the current level should change under the direction of the Public Health Authority, Town Hall will review and advise the public of changes to accessibility at that time.

Please call 709-437-5632 x 0 to discuss payment options.

  • Financial Institution: pay via online banking service, at your branch, or telephone banking
  • Town of Torbay eServices:
  • Mail: send money order or cheques to Town of Torbay
  • Properties with a mortgage on file will have a copy of the invoice sent directly to the mortgage company for payment.

2022 Tax and Fee Structure

Tax Installment Payment Plans:

The Town provides interest-free payment plans when Post-Dated Cheques for the full tax bill are received, or a Pre-Authorized Payment Plan is put in place, by March 31, 2022. Pre-Authorized Payment Plans renew annually and are updated February to reflect the current year tax levy. Please contact the Town Hall at (709) 437-6532 ext. 265 if you would like to register for the Pre-Authorized Payment plan. You may download or print the pre-authorized debit form at and email the completed form to

Payor’s Pre Authorized Debit (PAD) Form


Residential property owners in receipt of the Guaranteed Income Supplement may be eligible for a 25% property tax reduction on the property tax invoice as it relates to their primary residence only. There is an application process to determine/confirm eligibility. Deadline for applications is June 30, 2022.

Single residential property owners whose single net income is below $19,464 or a family whose combined family net income is below $46,656 may be eligible for a 20% property tax reduction as it relates to their primary residence only. There is an application process to determine and confirm eligibility. Deadline for application is June 30, 2022. You may download or print the applicable forms at Once you complete the form, please forward to

Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) Form

Tax Deferrals:

Residents of the Town of Torbay whose combined family income is less than $20,000 will be eligible for interest exemption on their principal place of residence. No interest will be charged commencing the time eligibility for low-income exemption is first established. The water and sewer tax plus a portion of the property tax based on family income must be paid, the remainder can be deferred upon request.

The amount of property tax subject to deferral will be reduced by 5% for each $1,000 of income earned over $20,000 to a maximum of $40,000. All taxes owing, including any amounts deferred, and unpaid at the time a property is sold or transferred will become due immediately upon sale or transfer by the owner. Eligibility for interest exemption and tax deferral will be reviewed annually and will require proof of income in the form of the Canada Revenue Agency’s income tax assessment of the prior year. Failure to pay any amounts due in the current year will result in interest charges and collection activities being reinstated.

Low Income Property Tax Reduction Form

Should you have questions or concerns regarding this invoice, please contact:
Town Office at (709) 437-6532
Accounts Receivable
Corporate Services Administrator

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