NOTICE OF FILMING – Upper Three Corner Pond Park & Middle Three Island Pond
Residents of Torbay within close proximity to Upper Three Corner Pond Park and Middle Three Island Pond Road, off Bauline Line, are advised that a film crew associated with Fireside Pictures will be in the area to film at a location on Middle Three Island Pond Road. Production takes place Oct 12-14 inclusive. Please be advised that filming includes the use of lights that resembles an emergency vehicle’s light/siren system.
To facilitate filming, the production team, with approx. 35 people will park their personal and production vehicles at Torbay’s Upper Three Corner Pond Park.
The Town and the production crew appreciate the communities continued support to bring film opportunities to Torbay and extend our gratitude in advance.
We apologize for any inconvenience and imposition this may cause. Should you have any questions, please contact 709.437.6532, et 230.
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