Installation of Pedestrian Safety Crossing
The Town of Torbay would like to advise residents that a Pedestrian Safety Crossing will be installed on Torbay Road in proximity to Marine Drive. Work began the week of July 29, 2019.
Further to resident feedback received, the Town of Torbay engaged a bus company to enter and exit Marine Drive in proximity to the new pedestrian crossing. No issues were encountered. With the approval of the Department of Transportation and Works and the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District, the shoulder on Marine Drive will be widened, the guard rail will be removed and the fence will be re-positioned. It is anticipated that all work will be completed by August 16, 2019.
Anticipate traffic delays during this time.
Update Project Schematics can be viewed below.
Original Schematics
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There should be a round-about at the intersection of Torbay road/Marine Drive/Convent Lane.
There is plenty of room there for it..example,, look at the round-about near the New Paul Reynolds Complex in Wedgewood Park. They have less room there, and yet were able to have the round-about approved by Newfoundland Highways Department.
You can call me at (709)764-4515 for ideas to make this happen.
Thank you.
Thank you for your suggestion. The concept of a roundabout at that location is currently under development. Once the concept is drafted, we will be providing the information to the public. In addition, we have asked the Provincial Government for feedback on the matter. The pedestrian safety crossing is being installed to address safety concerns in the interim.
Good day. I am wondering when the residents of the Marine Drive, Convent lane and side lanes where asked about this proposed raised sidewalk? Been a resident of Doyle’s and Quigley’s lane for 32 years and I don’t feel what this picture is indicating is going to solve the traffic situation at the top of Marine Drive. It may help the pedestrians( which I have never heard of any incidents at that crosswalk), but what kind of havoc is that going to have on the vehicle traffic if this goes in ? It has been a concern there for years with the amount of traffic coming up marine drive, down Convent lane and both sides of Torbay rd. Sometimes you are taking your life I your hands just trying to get out, with a straight lane and a left turn lane going into both Convent lane and Marine Drive. Why can we just have a Traffic
Light placed there? The sidewalk can stay where it is with walk signals and the vehicle traffic can move more safely at this miserable intersection!
The structure going in place is a raised traffic island with a signal activated pedestrian crossing to address safety concerns and allow pedestrians to safely cross the road. This has been approved by the provincial government.
Due to the alignment of the roads, traffic lights are not approved to be installed in this location. The concept of a roundabout is currently under development. The proposed roundabout was an outcome of resident consultation when we developed the pedestrian safety study last term of Council. The design is being finalized and will be posted to the website for resident review once completed. The pedestrian safety crossing is being installed to address safety concerns in the interim.
LOOOOOOVE this so much!
This intersection while under construction is extremely dangerous. The line are still painted with two lanes leaving marine drive and there isn’t always a flag person to direct traffic. The lines should be repainted for the construction period. Extremely dangerous especially at night, high likelihood of a head on collision. Just paint the lines….
Thank you for the reply. I still wonder how the vehicle traffic is going to be addressed? It appears that there is a vital turning lane now going to be removed with this island in place. There does not appear to be enough space now for vehicles to turn down the Marine Drive, alone that of the school buses making the turn! I still feel that this island is going to cause major problems in this intersection. As I mentioned prior, there has been no problem in 32 years with the crosswalk. Now we have another problem starting with vehicle traffic.
Thank you for sharing your concerns. We have shared your comments with the appropriate parties and will take your suggestion under consideration.
There needs to be a sidewalk on at least one side of Torbay road in this area or at least fix the washed out shoulders, kids are going back to school in a month and people speed there all the time. I live on Torbay Rd, south of Convent, and its difficult to walk anywhere from there, especially with my baby, because I’d have to walk up the washed out shoulder, on the turn, to even get to the crosswalk.
Just a thought, the lane turning right from torbay road onto Marine Drive now is quite narrow since the concrete divider has gone in. I don’t have a wide vehicle and my passenger tires are on the gravel trying to fit through there. Just wondering how it will be now when winter comes and a plow has to get through there?! Either the new concrete and pole are getting damaged or the guardrail.
Thank you for sharing your concerns. They have been forwarded on to the project’s engineer and contractor for review.
Cathy, thank you for sharing your concerns. They have been forwarded on to the project’s engineer and contractor for review.
Thank you for sharing your concerns. There currently are plans for sidewalks along one side of Torbay Road. Our recent funding proposal for installing sidewalks was declined but the committee will be reviewing to discuss the next steps to take to move forward.
This is just another waste of taxpayers money. The town needs Traffic lights at this intersection. How anyone hasn’t been killed in this intersection is a miracle. I’ve lived most of my 49 years on Marine Drive and this plan is substandard to say the least.
Due to the alignment of the roads, traffic lights are not approved to be installed in this location. The concept of a roundabout is currently under development. The proposed roundabout was an outcome of resident consultation when we developed the pedestrian safety study last term of Council. The design is being finalized and will be posted to the website for resident review once completed. The pedestrian safety crossing is being installed to address safety concerns in the interim.
I was wondering about the two lanes now for entering on to Marine Drive. Who has to yield, the vehicle turning from St. John’s or the vehicle from Torbay? Can a yield sign be installed?
The additional work involved in the installation of the pedestrian safety crossing is still ongoing, additional signage is set to be installed.