Garbage normally collected on Tuesday, December 25th will be collected on Monday, December 24th
Garbage normally collected on Wednesday, December 26th will be collected on Thursday, December 27th
Garbage normally collected on Tuesday, January 1st will be collected on Monday, December 31st
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Don Smith
Will recycling also be collected?
Signed up for email updates and phone updates never got any for garbage?????
Hi. This differs from the circulated garbage schedule on your website and my fridge that I’ve been using all year. Our collection day is Wednesday so I’ll be putting out garbage and recycling for collection tomorrow (28th) per your schedule here …
Why isn’t this reflected in the actual schedule or alternatively…why list the holiday schedule in the calendar if it’s subject to change? Note these dates are different from that which you’ve show in the calendar.
I wish the schedule had been updated and these changes had been reflected on the 2018 garbage and recycling schedule. That schedule had indicated a Friday pickup for our area.
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Will recycling also be collected?
Signed up for email updates and phone updates never got any for garbage?????
Hi. This differs from the circulated garbage schedule on your website and my fridge that I’ve been using all year. Our collection day is Wednesday so I’ll be putting out garbage and recycling for collection tomorrow (28th) per your schedule here …
Why isn’t this reflected in the actual schedule or alternatively…why list the holiday schedule in the calendar if it’s subject to change? Note these dates are different from that which you’ve show in the calendar.
I wish the schedule had been updated and these changes had been reflected on the 2018 garbage and recycling schedule. That schedule had indicated a Friday pickup for our area.