Great Pond Fish and Fish Habitat Study
Click to view the Great Pond Fish and Fish Habitat Draft Report
The Town of Torbay wants to keep the public informed about the ongoing Great Pond Study status as a potential additional water supply in Torbay. The Town is facing constraints with its existing municipal water supply (North Pond), and studies have been ongoing to explore how the Town can best meet its demand for municipal water.
In 2022, flow metres were installed, and funds for the first phase (of three phases) of the development of a water treatment facility on the North Pond system were approved. In late 2019, the Town engaged a consultant to complete a Capacity Assessment and Planning & Land Use Study on Great Pond (completed February 25, 2021), which confirmed that Great Pond is a suitable supply, with even greater capacity than North Pond, however, the actual available flow would need to be determined, so existing fish habitat is not impacted.
The Town requested its consultant to complete a subsequent Aquatic (Fish Habitat) Study (completed December 10, 2021). Council is now commencing with an environmental assessment review through the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) and the provincial Environmental Assessment Division. The Town of Torbay is planning on proceeding with a public engagement process once the environment has been considered, and Council can determine how to proceed in terms of engineering, cost, and long-term planning implications.
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