Development Notice | Discretionary Use | 51 North Pond Road
The Town is in receipt of a new application for 51 North Pond Road, proposing a multi-unit (22) residential development. It encompasses two (5 unit) row dwellings, three (3 unit) row dwellings, one (2 unit) duplex and one single dwelling, all one-story in height. The property is proposed to remain under one private ownership in apartment use, semi-serviced with onsite well water and connection to municipal sewer service.
The property is located within the Residential – Medium Density (RMD) Land Use Zone of the Torbay Development Regulations 2015-2025, and the proposed double, row dwelling and apartment uses are listed as discretionary. This application is processed in accordance with Regulations 33 and 90, requiring public notification.
You can view more detailed information on the proposal on the Town’s website at https://torbay.ca/government/town-departments/planning/development-notices/
Anyone wishing to comment on this application is asked to contact the Town Office in writing. The deadline for written comments shall be Friday July 26, 2024. Further information on this matter may be obtained by contacting the Town’s Planning and Development Department.
1288 Torbay Road, P.O. Box 1160, Torbay, NL A1K 1K4
TEL.: (709) 437-6532 • FAX (709) 437-1309 • jslade@torbay.ca or jschwarz@torbay.ca
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