DEVELOPMENT NOTICE | Change in Non-Conforming Use: 120 -126 Bauline Line
Change in Non-Conforming Use
The Town of Torbay is in receipt of an application proposing to remove an existing cabin at 120 Bauline Line, and consolidate the parcel of 120 Bauline Line with the neighbouring parcel to the west at 122-126 Bauline Line for purpose of constructing a new single dwelling. The property is located within the Residential Infill (RI) Land Use Zone of the Torbay Development Regulations 2015-2025. The minimum required lot area for dwellings on private well and septic is 1,860m2. The proposed lot area is less than the minimum required, however, due to the two lots already existing and the proposal making the development more compliant with the Torbay Development Regulations, the request is being processed in accordance with Regulations 47. and 49. pertaining to a change in legal non-conforming use and the development of existing lots.
Anyone wishing to comment on this proposal prior to Council making a decision on this matter is asked to contact the Town Office in writing. The deadline for written comments shall be Friday, March 3, 2023, 12:00 noon. Further information on this matter may be obtained by contacting the Town’s Planning and Development Department.
Comments are closed.