Dear Resident:
RE: Variance Request Notice – 56 Mahon’s Lane, Torbay
In an ongoing effort to keep the general public informed of new developments and construction
within the Town, and in keeping with the Torbay Development Regulations 2015-2025 and the
Town’s Public Notification Policy, this is to inform you of a Variance Request from a property
owner in your area. Please see the attached notice.
Should you have any questions, or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact
the undersigned at 437-6532 extension 254 or by email at
Jason L. Slade, CPT
Planning Technician
Variance Request
The Town of Torbay is in receipt of an application from 56 Mahon’s Lane proposing to construct
a single dwelling. The majority of the property is located within the Residential Infill (RI) Land
Use Zone, the rear section is located in the Residential Subdivision Area (RSA).The minimum
required frontage is 30 metres. Due to the lot layout, the proposed frontage is 28.29 metres and
the applicant is requesting a minor variance for Council to be able to consider this application.
Council has the authority to consider a decrease of up to 10% (up to a 3 metre reduction). This
application is processed in accordance with Regulations 11, 12, and 33 of the Torbay
Development Regulations 2015-2025.
Anyone wishing to comment on this proposal is asked to contact the Town Office in writing. The
deadline for written comments shall be Friday, January 27, 2022, 12:00 noon. Further
information on this matter may be obtained by contacting the Town’s Planning and Development
1288 Torbay Road, P.O. Box 1160, Torbay, NL A1K 1K4
TEL.: (709) 437-6532 • FAX (709) 437-1309 • or
Comments are closed.