A Time In Torbay Festival – Seeking Vendors
The A Time In Torbay Festival Committee are currently seeking interested vendors to attend the following festival events:
- Outdoor Concert – Saturday, July 14th
- Horseshoe Tournament – Saturday, July 14th
- Family Fun Day – Sunday, July 15th
Download, complete and submit the Vendor Application.
For questions and to submit your application, email the A Time In Torbay Festival Committee here. The deadline for applications to be received is noon on Friday, June 8th.
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I see on the Masterless Men website that they are performing at A Time in Torbay on July 15th/19. How do I see this show? Where in Torbay? Tickets? I am coming from Ontario and would like to plan to attend this event. Thank you for your assistance. JoAnne
Hi JoAnne, you can email atimeintorbay@gmail.com for more info on this event 🙂 Thanks!