30 Minute Clean Up
Did you miss the chance to pick up your supplies? Torbay Town Hall will be open on Saturday, May 12th from 11:00am to 1:00pm for residents who wish to participate and pick up their gloves and garbage bags!
The Town of Torbay would like to advise residents that the 30 Minute Clean Up is taking place on Saturday, May 12th in Torbay. Just 30 minutes of time dedicated to cleaning up our community can make a huge difference!
So what do you need to do?
Step 1: Between Monday, May 7 and Friday, May 11, call/visit Town Hall to register your pick-up address.
Step 2: Between Monday, May 7 and Friday, May 11, visit Town Hall to pick up your FREE gloves and garbage bags.
Step 3: Complete your 30 Minute Clean Up on Saturday, May 12. Please insure garbage is collected beginning at 9:00am and placed for collection no later than 2:00pm.
Step 4: The Town’s Public Works Department will pick-up your collected garbage at your registered pick-up address.
Thank you in advance for your participation in making Torbay beautiful!
Needle Safety
All volunteers are reminded that unfortunately, from time to time, used needles are found discarded in our community. If one or more are discovered, please do not touch them and call Town Hall immediately on 437-6532 to report them and they will be appropriately disposed of.